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发布时间:2018-01-08 23:03

  本文关键词:宅基地使用权制度现代化构造 出处:《武汉大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农村 宅基地使用权 用益物权 原始取得 流转 公示

【摘要】:我国宅基地使用权制度事关重大。对8亿农民来说,它是一项重要财产权,更是农民安居的基本保障;对农村集体经济组织来讲,它是从农村集体土地所有权中衍生的一种用益物权,是农村经济组织的重要物质基础和稳定的保障;而对国家而言,它作为重要的土地资源的重要组成部分,其配置是否妥当直接关系到经济、社会的可持续发展。我国宅基地使用权制度产生发展已有60多年,改革开放30多年来,我国已经并正在经历着重大的经济、社会的转型,产生并主要成长在计划经济经济年代,与我国优先发展工业的国家战略和城乡分割的二元结构相适应的宅基地使用权制度赖以存在的经济、社会条件逐渐改变,需要进一步改革创新以使之适应新形势的需要。本文综合运用法学、史学、经济学等学科的知识和方法,对我国农村宅基地使用权制度进行了综合分析,考察分析了农村宅基地使用权制度的产生、变化的过程,总结了其发展变化规律,以史为鉴,从而为农村宅基地使用权制度的改革创新指明方向。本文同时采用理论与实践相结合的方法,针对现实问题就我国农村宅基地使用权性质、农村宅基地使用权制度功能与价值、农村宅基地使用权原始取得、农村宅基地使用权流转以及农村宅基地使用权的保障与救济机制进行了研究,提出了我国农村宅基地使用权制度现代化构造的理论基础及具体的构想。 本文除去引言,其由六章组成:即我国宅基地使用权制度变迁分析,我国宅基地使用过权现代化构造的必要性和可行性,宅基地使用权性质、功能及价值,宅基地使用权原始取得制度创新,宅基地使用流转制度构造,宅基地使用权保障及救济机制。 第一章全面考察了我国宅基地使用权制度的产生、发展,深入地分析了我国宅基地使用权变迁的政治、经济等原因,文章认为政治上的考虑,是宅基地所有权从农民个人向集体变迁的决定因素,是适应我国优先发展工业战略、计划经济和城乡分割的结果,其变迁带有强制性;从计划体制延续而来的农村宅基地使用权是以城乡二元户籍制度为基础,限制城乡人口流动,尤其是限制农村人口向城市流转为初衷,实现工业尤其是重工业发展战略为目标而做出的制度安排。此外,对农村宅基地使用权流转之限制是特定历史时期出于公共利益之需要而采取的措施,国家应当顺应当前呈现出的开禁农村宅基地使用权流转的社会诉求,构建制度,为我国农村宅基地使用权的流转提供制度供给。 第二章研究了宅基地使用权制度现代化构造的必要性和可行性。文章从现代化物权的发展趋势、促进农村经济发展方面,阐述了农村宅基地使用权制度改革势在必行。从农村宅基地使用权的法律和政策、社会基础、户籍制度改革、农村社会保障体系的建立阐述了农村宅基地使用权制度创新的可行性。文章在考察分析了广东等地农村宅基地使用权改革试点情况后,认为上述改革试点的经验对创新具有借鉴的意义。 第三章对宅基地使用权性质、功能及价值进行了研究。文章在分析农村宅基地使用权的性质的各种学说的基础上,指出我国农村宅基地使用权应当是与传统大陆法系立法上的用益物权存在本质差异的带有“准所有权”性质的用益物权。文章对农村宅基地使用权的政治功能和社会保障功能进行了反思,认为农村宅基地使用权应具有经济功能和资产性功能,上述功能且会随着市场经济的发展而发展。文章认为我国现行农村宅基地使用权制度的立法价值应当发生并已经发生了变化,农村宅基地使用权制度的现代化构造应当体现为私法和公法复合的价值取向,在私法上将其作为一项私权,赋予其自由、效益和公平价值,在公法上应通过加强土地用途管制和用地规划管理保证秩序和公平价值的实现。 第四章对宅基地使用权原始取得制度进行了研究,文章分析了我国农村宅基地使用权原始取得存在的主体范围不清、无偿取得方式和“一户一宅”限制性条款的僵化、原始取得集体土地所有人与农村宅基地使用权人之间欠缺合意以及公示制度不完善问题,提出在现阶段以成员权作为原始取得农村宅基地使用权的起点,确定成员资格认定标准,合理界定原始取得的限制性条件,将农村宅基地使用权原始取得的对价问题的决定权交由权利双方;提出了从申请、决定、订立合同、合同审批、办理登记的一套具有操作性的农村宅基地使用权原始取得程序设计方案。 第五章重点论述了我国宅基地使用权流转制度。文章分析了我国农村宅基地使用权现状及其存在的问题,提出了以保护耕地、合理高效利用土地、统筹城乡发展为目标、效益优先兼顾公平以及符合市场经济发展要求的原则等为指导,基于合同关系构造我国农村宅基地使用权流转模式的具体构想。此外,还就农村宅基地使用权的回购、继承提出了具体设想,就农村宅基地的使用权流动应重点关注的农村宅基地使用权流转管理、流转收益等问题进行了论述。 第六章分析了宅基地使用权的保障与救济机制,文章从集体组织、家庭成员以及征地补偿三个方面对农村宅基地使用权的保障进行了论述,总结了现行保障机制存在的问题,指出通过赋予农村基层自治组织审查权、发挥村民的监督作用和加强责任追究等方式完善机体组织内的保障,通过明晰户的内涵和分户的条件完善家庭成员间的保障,通过认定公共利益、完善征收程序以及健全补偿制度来保障征收中的宅基地使用权人的权益。文章还从救济的权利不明、救济的渠道不畅以及结果执行的不力等方面分析了我国宅基地使用权救济机制存在的问题,并提出通过明晰农村宅基地上的各项权利、健全救济渠道、加强司法解释以及发布指导案例等方式完善我国宅基地使用权救济机制。
[Abstract]:The system is important in our country land use right. For the 800 million farmers, it is an important property rights, is the basic guarantee for farmers housing; the rural collective economic organizations, it is a kind of usufructuary rights derived from the ownership of collective land in rural economy, is an important material basis for the fabric group and stability the security; and to the state, as an important part of land resources, the appropriate configuration is directly related to the economic and social sustainable development. China's land use right system development for over 60 years, 30 years of reform and opening up, China has been experiencing a significant economic and social the transformation and the main growth in the planned economic era, two yuan structure and China's national strategic priority to the development of industrial and urban division to adapt the homestead right of use system which exists in the The economic and social conditions change gradually, need further reform and innovation in order to meet the needs of the new situation. In this paper the use of law, history, economics and other disciplines of knowledge and methods, on the right to use rural homestead system to conduct a comprehensive analysis, investigation and analysis of the countryside homestead right of use system, the process of change and summarizes the development and changes of history, which indicates the direction for the countryside homestead right of use system reform and innovation. This paper uses the method of combining theory and practice, aiming at the practical problems of China's rural land use right nature, function and value of rural residential land use right system of rural residential land use right the original, the circulation of rural land use right of rural land use right protection and relief mechanism are studied, put forward the rural residential land use right system modernization The theoretical basis and concrete conception of the structure.
Besides the preface, it consists of six chapters: our land use right system analysis, the necessity and feasibility of our land use right modernization construction, the nature of land use rights, function and value, the homestead right of use to obtain the original homestead circulation system innovation, system structure, homestead the use of right protection and relief mechanism.
The first chapter is a comprehensive study of our land use right system, development, in-depth analysis of the changes of land use right in China's political, economic and other reasons, the article thinks that political considerations, is to determine the homestead ownership from individual farmers to collective change factors, is to adapt to the priority development strategy of China's industry the planned economy, urban and rural areas and the segmentation results, the change of mandatory; to continue the Rural Homestead Land use right from the planning system to the urban and rural household registration system is two yuan for the foundation, limit the flow of urban and rural population, especially the rural population transfer to the city limits for the purpose, to achieve industry especially the heavy industry development strategy and objectives to make institutional arrangements. In addition, restrictions on the circulation of rural land use right is a specific historical period for the public interest needs to take measures, the State shall conform to the present. The social demand of the transfer of the right to use the rural homestead is to build a system to provide the system supply for the transfer of the right to use the rural homestead in China.
The necessity and feasibility of the second chapter studies the homestead right of use system modernization construction. From the development trend of modern property rights, promoting the development of rural economy, elaborated the countryside homestead right of use system reform is imperative. From the countryside homestead right of use of law and policy, social foundation, reform of the household registration system, the establishment of rural social security describes the system of rural residential land use right system feasibility innovation. This paper analyzes the effects of the pilot reform of the use right of rural homestead in Guangdong and other places, that the reform experience has the significance of innovation.
The third chapter on the nature of land use rights, studied the function and value. Based on the theory analysis of rural homestead right to use property on the point of rural residential land use right should be with the traditional civil legislation of usufructuary right exists difference with "quasi ownership" in nature the usufructuary right. This article reflects on the rural land use right political function and social security function, that the rural residential land use right should have economic function and capital function, and the function will develop with the market economy. The value of legislation system of the right to use the rural housing in our country should be and has changed, the modernization construction of countryside homestead right of use system should reflect the value orientation for public and private compound, as a general in the civil law Private rights, giving them freedom, benefit and fair value, should be realized in public law by strengthening the control of land use and land use planning and management to ensure order and fair value.
The fourth chapter studies on the homestead right of use the original system, this paper analyzes the rural residential land use rights of the original has the scope of the subject is not clear, free and opforhs "restrictive clauses is rigid, the original collective land owners and rural residential land use right between the lack of consensus and publicity system is not perfect, put forward at this stage to members of the right as the original starting point of rural residential land use right, determine the members of the qualification standard, reasonable definition of restrictive conditions on the price of the original, the decision right will use right of rural homestead made by the original rights put forward from both sides; application, decision, contract, contract approval, registration of a set of feasible rural residential land use right original acquisition program design.
The fifth chapter discusses the circulation system of the right to use homestead in China. This paper analyzes the rural homestead usufruct in China present situation and the existing problems, put forward to protect arable land, land use reasonable and efficient, urban and rural development as the goal, efficiency and fairness and in conformity with the requirements of the development of market economy and the principle of guidance the contract relationship between the structure of rural residential land use right transfer mode based on specific ideas. In addition, also the countryside homestead right of use repurchase, puts forward some suggestions on the inheritance, the right to the use of the flow of rural homestead use rights transfer management should focus on the rural land transfer income and other issues are discussed.
The sixth chapter analyzes the land use right protection and relief mechanism, the article from the collective organization, members of the family and land compensation three aspects of rural land use right protection, summarizes the existing security mechanism, and points out that the empowerment of rural grassroots self-governing organizations the right to review, play to the supervisory role of the villagers and strengthen accountability and improve the body tissue protection, through the connotation and household household conditions improve among family members identified by security, public interests, improve the collection procedures and perfecting the compensation system to protect the rights and interests in the expropriation of land use right of people. The article also from the right of remedy is unknown, relief the channel is not smooth and the ineffective implementation aspects of our land use right relief mechanism of the existing problems, and puts forward the rural homestead on the clear The remedy mechanism of the right to use homestead in China is perfected by means of a right, a sound remedy channel, a strengthening of judicial interpretation and a publication of guidance cases.



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