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发布时间:2018-05-01 17:43

  本文选题:土地承包经营权 + 用益物权 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous promotion of the national strategy of "industrialization, urbanization" and the preferential support of relevant national incentives, the urban economy has developed rapidly, but the characteristics of agriculture, such as "high input, low output" and so on, In addition, farmers in the market competition with the lack of information, lack of technology, lack of funds and other natural weaknesses, resulting in urban and rural economic development level gap is widening. Farmers, as a group that does not occupy a strong "right of speech" in economy, want to participate in the market economy activities fairly, the first dilemma that needs to be solved is the lack of production funds. For the majority of Chinese farmers, the most likely way to realize the primitive accumulation of development funds is through the most valuable means of production-land. For a long period of time, the peasants of our country only have the right to use the rural land in the sense of labor, which does not have the relationship of rights and obligations in the sense of civil law. After the reform of agricultural production responsibility system, farmers can manage independently from the collective contracted land for a long time, and on this basis, form and gradually perfect the system of land contractual management right. Under the premise of not completely losing "land", land contractual management right mortgage is undoubtedly the best way for farmers to develop. However, according to the current law, there are many obstacles to obtain development funds through land contract management right mortgage. First of all, the property of land contractual management right is real right or creditor's right. Secondly, whether the land contract management right can be mortgaged, there are theoretical disputes, and lack of direct legal support. Thirdly, the exploratory practice of the mortgage of land contract management right in the whole country has accumulated a lot of beneficial experience for the realization of this right, but also exposed some problems. Therefore, to establish and perfect the mortgage system of land contractual management right needs to solve some defects in the legal regulation and system design. Specifically, we need to start from the following aspects: first, cancel the system of differentiated treatment of the right to contract management of rural land mortgage; second, improve the rural land registration system; third, To cancel the restrictions on the mortgage of rural land contractual management rights; fourth, to recognize the principal qualifications of rural land contractual management rights; fifth, to establish a value evaluation system for rural land contractual management rights; and sixth, to establish a system for evaluating the value of rural land contractual management rights; sixth, Improve the rural land contractual management right mortgage risk control system.


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