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发布时间:2018-04-24 11:45

  本文选题:公共利益 + 征地与拆迁 ; 参考:《西北民族大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着工业化和城市化进程的加快,土地的需求量不断增加,城市的土地不能满足城市的开发和基础设施建设用地的需求。政府只能通过征地,将农村土地转化为各类建设用地,满足市场需求。由于我国的征地制度形成于计划经济时代,在目前很多条件都发生了变化之下,征地制度仍然保持了原来的做法,使得征地中许多问题暴露出来了。由于历史原因和受到传统的影响,我国一直过分强调国家的利益,轻视个人的利益,重视公共利益,导致征地权利的行使具有随意性,因此产生了各种社会问题,如农民抗议、上访现象时有发生。 在我国,征地权力滥用现象很严重,征地公共利益性不明确,土地征收拆迁程序不够规范,征地的补偿费上,补偿范围偏窄,补偿标准比较低,补偿费用存实践的分配中很不合理,拖欠集体组织和农民个人的补偿金额现象很严重,集体和农民的利益没有得到很好的保障。 本文从目前我国农村征地和拆迁的现状和问题,及关于我国农村征地的现行法律制度来入手,明确的指出了我国在征地和拆迁法律制度存在的问题和漏洞,并借鉴了外国先进的立法经验,为完善我国的征地拆迁法律制度提出了一些建议,以保障我国被征地者的合法利益,有利于社会的稳定和进步,促进我国的社会经济持续、健康、和谐的发展。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, the demand for land is increasing, and urban land can not meet the needs of urban development and infrastructure construction land. The government can only transform rural land into construction land through land requisition to meet market demand. Because the land expropriation system of our country was formed in the planned economy era, under the present many conditions have changed, the land expropriation system still maintained the original practice, which made many problems in the land expropriation exposed. Because of the historical reasons and the influence of tradition, our country has always put too much emphasis on the interests of the country, despised the interests of the individual and attached importance to the public interest. As a result, the exercise of the right to land expropriation was arbitrary, and thus produced various social problems, such as peasant protests. Petition occurs from time to time. In our country, the abuse of land expropriation power is very serious, the public interest of land expropriation is not clear, the procedure of land expropriation and demolition is not standardized, the compensation range of land expropriation is narrow, and the compensation standard is relatively low. The distribution of compensation expenses in practice is very unreasonable, the phenomenon of compensation amount in arrears of collective organizations and individual farmers is very serious, and the interests of collective and peasants are not well protected. Starting with the current situation and problems of land requisition and demolition in rural areas and the current legal system of land expropriation in China, this paper points out the problems and loopholes in the legal system of land requisition and demolition in China. Some suggestions are put forward for perfecting the legal system of land expropriation and relocation in order to protect the legitimate interests of the land requisitioners in our country, benefit the stability and progress of the society, and promote the social and economic sustainability of our country, and draw lessons from the advanced legislative experience of foreign countries, and put forward some suggestions to improve the legal system of land expropriation and relocation. Healthy and harmonious development.


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