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发布时间:2018-05-06 19:51

  本文选题:妇女土地权益 + 村规民约 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:在我国广大农村,土地是农民最基本的生产和生活资料,特别对处于弱势群体的广大农村妇女来讲,土地是其赖以生存和发展的基础。保障农村妇女的土地权利,即是男女平等原则的体现,也是贯彻落实我国《妇女权益保护法》、《农村土地承包法》的基本要求。然而有些地区由于受历史和社会习俗的影响,以及妇女本身素质能力的局限,在现实中还是有很多侵害农村妇女土地权益的现象。这种现状要求人们对我国农村妇女土地权益问题做出新的思考。本文以山东省临沂市兰山区白沙埠村为调查视角,试着从法学理论和法学实践入手,从四个部分对此问题进行分析: 第一部分我国农村妇女土地权益现状。本章分别对中国农村妇女土地权益纠纷的特征和我国农村妇女土地权益遭到侵害的类型进行阐述,参考我国农村妇女土地权益当前所存在的受侵害的事实,通过分析未婚妇女、出家妇女、离婚或丧偶妇女的失地情形,以此来寻找对我们研究相关问题的启示。 第二部分农村妇女土地权益法律问题产生的原因。本部分就所讨论的问题试着从多角度分析其成因,主要有传统封建思想根深蒂固、村规民约与法律相违背、政策法律存在缺陷、妇女自身缺乏维权意识等四方面,希望能在繁琐的问题中发现实质,进而为解决问题提供思路。 第三部分介绍侵害妇女土地权益所造成的种种危害,主要包括农村妇女家庭生活窘迫、影响农村妇女的政治经济和社会地位、阻碍农村经济的发展、降低政府的公信力和影响社会的公正和谐等几方面。 第四部分提出了保护我国农村妇女土地权益的相关途径,主要有打破传统封建思想,树立科学平等观;废除非法村规民约,规范合理民间法;弥补现行法律漏洞,健全保障性法律;提升妇女文化水平,增强妇女维权意识;提高妇女参政比例,保障妇女政治权利以及转变政府管理职能,加大支农惠农力度等方面予以保护,为我国农村妇女土地权益的保护提出可行性建议。 本文综合考察我国国情、农村妇女土地权益问题现状和相关法制状况,并尝试着提出了一些粗浅的看法和建议,希望有利于农村妇女土地权益法律保护工作的进一步进展。同时还采用了语义分析的方法,就我国农村妇女土地权益法律保护面临的问题,出现这些问题的原因以及如何应对这些问题等进行了全方位的系统的论述,最终形成文章的现有轮廓、构架和体系。
[Abstract]:In the vast rural areas of China, land is the most basic means of production and livelihood for farmers, especially for the majority of rural women who are in vulnerable groups, land is the basis for their survival and development. The protection of rural women's land rights is not only the embodiment of the principle of equality between men and women, but also the basic requirement of implementing the Law on Protection of Women's Rights and interests in China and the Law on Rural Land contract. However, in some areas, due to the influence of historical and social customs, and the limitations of women's own quality and ability, there are still a lot of violations of rural women's land rights and interests in reality. This kind of present situation requests people to make the new thought to our country countryside woman land rights and interests question. From the angle of investigation of Baishabu Village in Lanshan District, Linyi City, Shandong Province, this paper tries to analyze this problem from four parts, starting with the theory of law and the practice of law. The first part is the present situation of rural women's land rights and interests in China. This chapter expounds the characteristics of land rights disputes of rural women in China and the types of land rights and interests of rural women in China. Referring to the fact that the land rights and interests of rural women in China are being infringed at present, this chapter analyzes the unmarried women. The loss of land for monastic, divorced or widowed women in search of implications for our research. The second part is about the causes of the legal problems of rural women's land rights and interests. This part tries to analyze its causes from many angles, including deep-rooted traditional feudal ideology, violation of village rules and laws, defects in policy and law, and women's lack of awareness of safeguarding their rights. Hope to find the essence in the tedious problem, and then provide ideas for solving the problem. The third part introduces the harm caused by the violation of women's land rights and interests, mainly including the distress of rural women's family life, affecting the political, economic and social status of rural women, and hindering the development of rural economy. Reduce the credibility of the government and the impact of social justice and harmony and other aspects. The fourth part puts forward the relevant ways to protect the land rights and interests of rural women in our country, such as breaking the traditional feudal thought, setting up the scientific and equal view, abolishing illegal village rules and regulations, standardizing reasonable folk law, making up for the loopholes in the current law. We should improve the safeguard laws, raise the educational level of women, enhance the awareness of women's rights, increase the proportion of women's participation in politics, safeguard women's political rights, change the functions of government management, and strengthen the efforts to support agriculture and benefit agriculture, and so on. Put forward the feasible suggestion for the protection of rural women's land rights and interests in our country. This paper comprehensively investigates the situation of our country, the present situation of rural women's land rights and interests and the related legal system, and tries to put forward some superficial views and suggestions, hoping to further advance the legal protection of rural women's land rights and interests. At the same time, using the method of semantic analysis, this paper discusses the problems facing the legal protection of rural women's land rights in China, the causes of these problems, and how to deal with these problems. Finally, form the existing outline, framework and system of the article.


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