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发布时间:2018-05-10 12:45

  本文选题:宅基地 + 农村宅基地使用权 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 农村宅基地是我国广大农村居民的住宅用地,是农民最基本的生活资料,是农村土地的重要组成部分。在我国农村土地实行集体所有的条件下,农村居民不享有土地所有权,只享有使用权。农村宅基地使用权是关系到中国9亿农民切身利益的一种特殊用益物权。安居才能乐业,农村宅基地使用权制度为农村经济的发展和农村社会的稳定奠定了坚实的基础,理应受到立法和学理研究的足够重视。对农村宅基地使用权制度进行研究具有极为重要的理论和现实意义,但实际情况是,由于理论界对其缺乏深入的研究,在学理上对农村宅基地使用权的性质、权能、效力、变动、保护等问题的探讨和对现行制度的反思也相当的欠缺,造成当前有关农村宅基地使用权制度的法资源匮乏,面对农村经济、社会迅速发展的现实,现有法律、政策显得苍白无力。研究农村宅基地使用权的理论和现实问题,并在此基础上构建适合我国国情的相当长时期内的农村宅基地使用权制度是本文写作的根本目的。 本文采用了历史考察、比较分析、文献研究的方法,除引言和结语外,共分为三章。第一章是农村宅基地使用权制度的历史考察;第二章是农村宅基地使用权立法草案分析;第三章是农村宅基地使用权立法的应有选择。 第一章,农村宅基地使用权制度的历史考察。本部分围绕建国初期、政社合一时期、村民自治时期三个阶段,对我国的农村宅基地使用权制度进行了事实描述、制度介绍、分析评价。在这部分里,重点分析了我国现行农村宅基地使用权的产生过程、历史沿革,对与农村宅基地使用权制度有关的主要法律、政策等规范性文件进行了梳理,并对农村宅基地使用权的现状进行了深入研究,提出应以民法物权的调整方法来规范农村宅基地使用权。 第二章,农村宅基地使用权立法草案评析。本部分首先对全国人大法工委物权法草案、王利明、梁慧星、徐国栋、孟勤国四位专家草案建议稿拟制的相关条文进行了列举,并对其中的重点条文进行了分析。主要涉及农村宅基地使用权的概念、立法体例、宅基地的取得方式、农村宅基地使用权的限制等问题。通过对农村宅基地使用权与土地使用权、传统大陆法系上的地上权的比较,提出以一种特殊的不动产用益物权来构建我国的农村宅基地使用权制度的认识。 第三章,农村宅基地使用权立法的应有选择。本部分对农村宅基地的性质、作用及农村宅基地使用权的法律性质和在民法上的地位进行了研究。从介绍当前我国法学理论界对农村宅基地使用权性质研究的成果入手,重点对农村宅基地使用权与传统用益物权进行了比较研究。在比较研究的基础上,结合我国农村经济社会的现状,将农村宅基地使用权定位为一种特殊的不动产用益物权。本部分还以正确处理好物权法同单行法律、法规的关系;体现固有法特征;以物权发展趋势为立法导引;正确对待宅基地保障性与物权性的关系;珍惜合理利用土地;国家、集体、个人利益兼顾;适应中国市场经济发展需要为指导思想,以正义和效率之间的平衡为基本价值取向,从农村宅基地使用权的取得、行使、消灭等方面构建了农村宅基地使用权制度,并于文末提出了农村宅基地使用权试拟条款。
[Abstract]:The rural residential land is the residential land of the vast rural residents in our country. It is the most basic living material of the peasants and an important part of the rural land. Under the conditions of collective ownership of the rural land in China, the rural residents do not enjoy the land ownership and only enjoy the right to use the land. The right to use the rural residence base is related to the 900 million peasants of China. A special usufructuary right is a special usufructuary right. The system of rural residence land use right has laid a solid foundation for the development of rural economy and the stability of rural society. It should be paid enough attention by the research of legislative and academic research. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the system of the right to use the rural homestead, but it is practical, but it is practical. The situation is that, due to the lack of in-depth research in the theoretical circles, the study of the nature of the right to use the rural homestead, the power, the effectiveness, the change and the protection of the current system are also quite deficient in the theoretical circles. The current legal resources of the system of the right to use the rural homestead are scarce, and the rapid development of the society in the face of the rural economy and the society. The fundamental purpose of this paper is to study the theoretical and practical problems of the right to use the rural homestead, and to build the right system of rural homestead right for a fairly long period of time on this basis.
This article adopts the historical investigation, the comparative analysis, the literature research method, besides the introduction and the conclusion, it is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the historical investigation of the rural homestead use right system; the second chapter is the analysis of the legislation of the rural homestead right of use; the third chapter is the choice of the legislation of the rural homestead right to use.
The first chapter is the historical investigation of the system of the right to use the rural homestead. This part, around the early period of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the three stages of the period of the political and social cooperation and the period of the villagers' autonomy, has made a factual description of the system of the right to use the rural homestead in our country, the introduction of the system, and the analysis and evaluation. The course of life, history, and the main laws and policies related to the system of the right to use the rural homestead are combed, and the current situation of the right to use the rural homestead is deeply studied. It is proposed that the right to use the rural homestead should be regulated by the adjustment method of the civil law property right.
The second chapter is the evaluation of the draft legislation on the right to use the rural homestead. This part first enumerates the relevant provisions of the draft of the draft of the law of real right of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, Wang Liming, Liang Huixing, Xu Guodong, and Mencius, and analyzes the key provisions of the draft. It mainly involves the concept of the right to use the rural homestead. The legislative style, the way to obtain the homestead, the restriction of the right to use the rural homestead, and so on. Through the comparison of the right to use the rural homestead and the right to use the land and the right of the land on the traditional continental law system, this paper puts forward a special kind of real property usufruct to construct the system of the right to use the rural homestead in our country.
The third chapter is the choice of the legislation of the right to use the rural homestead. This part studies the nature of the rural homestead, the role of the rural homestead, the legal nature of the right to use the rural homestead and the status of the civil law. From the introduction of the results of the research on the nature of the right to use the rural homestead in the legal theory circle of our country at present, the emphasis is on the Rural Homestead Land. The use of rights and traditional usufructuary right is compared. On the basis of comparative study, combining with the current situation of rural economic and society in China, the right to use rural homestead is defined as a special real property usufructuary right. This part also correctly handles the relationship between the property law and the law of the single line, the law and regulations, the characteristics of the inherent law, and the development of the real right. The trend is the guidance of legislation, the correct treatment of the relationship between the security and property rights of the homestead, the rational use of the land, the state, the collective and the individual interests, the guiding ideology and the balance between justice and efficiency as the basic value orientation, and the acquisition, exercise and elimination of the right to use the homestead in the rural areas. The system of the right to use the rural homestead was constructed, and the trial clauses for the right to use the rural homestead were put forward at the end of the article.



相关硕士学位论文 前6条

1 蒋莹;宅基地使用权研究[D];湖南师范大学;2011年

2 薛国诗;宅基地使用权流转法律制度研究[D];安徽大学;2011年

3 戴琳;农村宅基地使用权流转研究[D];华东政法大学;2009年

4 王伟;宅基地使用权研究[D];大连海事大学;2010年

5 丁诚;宅基地使用权流转问题探析[D];兰州大学;2010年

6 尚晓丹;农村宅基地使用权法律问题研究[D];大连海事大学;2012年




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