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发布时间:2018-05-13 06:13

  本文选题:土地资源 + 生态补偿 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:土地资源是人类生存与发展的基础,人与土地之间的相互依存、相互作用构成了整个人类社会发展史。我国土地资源丰富,但人口众多,人均土地资源严重不足。由于长期投入不足,重开发、轻保护,导致整体土地生态环境长期超载、生态功能减弱、抵御自然灾害的能力下降、灾害频发、危害力度不断增加。在以往发展模式中,土地资源生态价值往往被忽略,致使“资源低价、商品高价、环境无价”现象的恶性循环,助长了土地资源开发者在开发利用土地过程中造成的生态破坏外部不经济性转嫁给社会。面对土地资源生态环境不断恶化的严峻形势,经济发展与土地资源保护和开发之间的矛盾日益加深,如何协调两者之间的关系以实现利益平衡,生态补偿制度的提出为我们指明了方向。生态补偿制度是调动生态保护和建设积极性、促进环境保护的有效手段。但是,我国现阶段的土地生态补偿制度存在不少缺陷,致使土地资源在社会生活实践中未能充分发挥优化资源配置、保持和实现土地资源可持续利用的功效,因此,我们有必要构建完善的土地资源生态补偿制度,促进土地资源的保护和合理利用,进而实现人与自然的和谐发展。 本文从法学的视角对生态补偿进行定义,在十八大召开提出生态文明理念的背景下,深入分析了构建我国土地资源生态补偿制度的必要性和合理性,进一步挖掘土地资源生态补偿制度建设的意义。本文从我国土地资源生态补偿制度的基本现状出发,并结合了我国土地资源生态补偿的实践状况和面临的难题,对我国土地资源生态补偿制度的完善进行了优化设计,从而对促进我国土地资源的可持续利用和实现“建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展”的宏图伟业具有深远意义。
[Abstract]:Land resources are the basis of human existence and development. The interdependence and interaction between people and land constitute the history of the development of human society. China is rich in land resources, but has a large population and a serious shortage of per capita land resources. Due to the lack of long-term investment, heavy development, light protection, resulting in long-term overloading of the overall land ecological environment, ecological function weakened, the ability to resist natural disasters decreased, frequent disasters, increasing damage. In the past development model, the ecological value of land resources is often ignored, which leads to the vicious circle of "low price of resources, high price of commodity and priceless environment". It encourages the ecological damage caused by the land developers in the process of land development and utilization, and transfers the external diseconomy to the society. In the face of the serious situation of land resources ecological environment worsening, the contradiction between economic development and land resources protection and development is deepening day by day. How to coordinate the relationship between the two in order to achieve the balance of interests, Ecological compensation system for us to point out the direction. Ecological compensation system is an effective means to arouse the enthusiasm of ecological protection and construction and to promote environmental protection. However, there are many defects in the land ecological compensation system at the present stage of our country, which results in the land resources being unable to give full play to the optimization of the allocation of resources in the practice of social life, to maintain and realize the function of sustainable utilization of land resources. It is necessary for us to construct a perfect ecological compensation system for land resources, to promote the protection and rational utilization of land resources, and to realize the harmonious development between man and nature. Based on the definition of ecological compensation from the perspective of law, the necessity and rationality of constructing ecological compensation system of land resources in China are analyzed in depth under the background of putting forward the concept of ecological civilization in the 18th National Congress of National Congress of the people's Republic of China. Further excavation land resources ecological compensation system construction significance. Based on the basic situation of ecological compensation system of land resources in China and the practical situation and difficult problems of ecological compensation of land resources in China, this paper optimizes the design of ecological compensation system for land resources in China. Therefore, it is of great significance to promote the sustainable utilization of land resources in China and to realize the great undertaking of "building a beautiful China and realizing the sustainable development of the Chinese nation".


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