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发布时间:2021-09-23 01:22

【文章来源】:浙江大学浙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:226 页


1 General Introduction
    1.1 Background and the problem statement
    1.2 Main research questions and the objectives of the study
    1.3 Research methods
    1.4 Structure of the thesis
    1.5 Innovations of the study and contributions to academic literature
2 Review of Relevant Literature
    2.1 Economic well-being indicators
        2.1.1 Poverty as an economic well-being indicator
        2.1.2 Poverty distribution patterns in Ghana
        2.1.3 Economic well-being and farmers' income sources
        2.1.4 Economic well-being and crop productions
    2.2 Theory of equal opportunity and economic inequality
        2.2.1 Concepts of equal opportunity
        2.2.2 Context of Ghana's agricultural sector and the absence of equal opportunity
    2.3 Inequality and polarisation of economic outcomes
        2.3.1 Concepts of economic outcomes of inequality and polarisation
        2.3.2 Economic inequality and polarisation issues in Ghana
        2.3.3 Income mobility
    2.4 Summary of the chapter
3 The incidence of Income Inequality, Polarisation and Poverty among Rural FarmHouseholds in Ghana
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Analytical Methods
        3.2.1 Income inequality indices
        3.2.2 Income polarisation indices
        3.2.3 Poverty index
        3.2.4 Other statistical methods
    3.3 Data source
    3.4 Descriptive results
        3.4.1 Variation in types of crops cultivated among the households
        3.4.2 Examining economic well-being indicators
    3.5. Analytical results
        3.5.1 Income inequality among the households
        3.5.2 Income polarisation among the households
        3.5.3 Implications for poverty distribution among the households
    3.6 Summary of the chapter
4 Determinants of Income Inequality and Poverty among Rural Farm Households in Ghana
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Analytical framework
    4.3 Econometric models and the dependent variables
        4.3.1 Poverty measurement and model
        4.3.2 Income inequality model
        4.3.3 Independent variables
    4.4 Descriptive statistics
        4.4.1 Variation in employment types and income sources
        4.4.2 Characteristics of rural farm households
    4.5 Analytical results
        4.5.1 Determinants of income inequality distribution
        4.5.2 Determinants of poverty distribution
    4.6 Summary of the chapter
5 Drivers of Income Polarisation and the Implications for Poverty among Farmers in Ghana
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Analytical methods and data sources
        5.2.1 Diagnosis of income groups and polarisation
        5.2.2 Segregation of the farmers into the identified income groups
        5.2.3 Modelling identification of farmers into income groups
        5.2.4 Data sources
    5.3 Descriptive results
        5.3.1 Employment patterns in rural Ghana
        5.3.2 Diagnosis of income groups using density curves
        5.3.3 Diagnosis of income groups using polarisation and deficit-income ratios
        5.3.4 Descriptive statistics of the variables by the income groups
    5.4 Empirical results
        5.4.1 Hazard functions of identification with the higher-income groups
        5.4.2 Survival function farmers' identification with the higher income groups
        5.4.3 Modelling the rate of farmer identification with higher income groups
    5.5 Summary of the chapter
6 Main Findings, Policy Implications and Conclusions
    6.1 Summary and main findings
        6.1.1 Summary of the scope of the thesis
        6.1.2 Main findings
    6.2 Policy implications
        6.2.1 Reduction in inequality for poverty alleviation
        6.2.2 Reduction in polarisation for poverty alleviations
    6.3 Limitations, suggestions for future studies and conclusion
        6.3.1 Limitations, suggestions for future studies
        6.3.2 Conclusions
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