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发布时间:2018-01-01 18:12

  本文关键词:网络平台协调农资团购商家和农户收益的策略研究 出处:《黑龙江八一农垦大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 网络平台 农资 团购 利益协调

[Abstract]:In the group purchase of agricultural materials, the network platform is the link between farmers and farmers, how to coordinate the income of both sides, attract more farmers and farmers to participate in the group purchase of agricultural resources. To make the network platform for the smooth and healthy development of agricultural group purchase business become the focus of this paper. This paper mainly uses the method of game analysis to study, the bureau is for farmers and farmers. First of all, the paper defines the concept and characteristics of the profit model of the agricultural group purchase business based on both sides' game, and analyzes the income structure of the group purchase business. The income of the group purchase business of the network platform includes the revenue of the sales proposal. Advertising revenue, the cost of network platform services for farmers and farmers, their own operating costs. Then, the income composition of farmers and farmers under the condition of group purchase is analyzed. The income of farmers is mainly sales income, advertising effect income, network platform service potential income and agricultural material sales cost, and farmers' income is commodity income, service income, purchase cost and membership cost. According to the above analysis and build a game model of the income of agricultural enterprises and farmers, the game results show that the probability of farmers to organize group purchase of agricultural materials is affected by the cost of farmers participating in the network group purchase of agricultural materials. The network platform provides the service cost for the farmer, the service cost difference between the group purchase and the non-organization group purchase, the difference between the price of the agricultural group purchase and the market price of the agricultural material, and so on. The probability of farmers participating in the group purchase of agricultural materials is raised by the network platform, the potential income of the farmers, the cost of the service provided by the network platform, and the net income obtained by the farmers through advertising. The cost of group purchase, the cost of group purchase and the loss of income caused by farmers' non-participation. Finally, according to the game results. This paper proposes a strategy for network platform to coordinate the two benefits. The strategy is put forward from two angles. On the one hand, it puts forward the following strategies to the network platform from the aspect of improving the probability of group purchase of agricultural enterprises: to provide farmers with investigation report on the willingness of farmers to participate in group purchase, and to establish a community of communication for farmers. To provide group purchase logistics service resources integration for agricultural enterprises and provide farmers price elasticity analysis report for agricultural enterprises; On the other hand, the strategies to improve the probability of farmers participating in group purchase of agricultural materials are as follows: to set up a ladder point for farmers, to set up incentive system of rewards and penalties for farmers, and to optimize the transaction process to reduce the cost of organizing groups of agribusiness. To establish a step-by-step advertising pricing strategy to help farmers reduce the cost of group purchase, and to establish the membership system of farmers.


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