发布时间:2018-01-06 04:36
本文关键词:我国水价规制的理论与实证研究 出处:《聊城大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 水价 政府规制 科学发展观 价格形成机制 规制体制
【摘要】:水是生命之源、生产之要、生态之基,是人类生存和发展不可缺少的重要资源,是人们生产与生活中的必需品。在我国水资源危机长期以来得不到重视,水资源短缺、水污染等问题已经成为制约我国经济和社会发展的重要影响因素。而且我国的水价政策长期受传统观念的影响,致使我国水价形成机制、定价方法、规制体制等方面还不够科学合理,存在着诸多问题。本文为了试图解决上述问题,选择从科学发展观视野出发,对我国水价规制进行了理论与实证研究。 第一部分首先详细论述了对我国水价规制进行研究的背景和意义,并扼要综述了目前国内外关于水价形成机制和规制体制理论的研究动态,然后说明本文的研究方法和结构安排,指出本文的创新点和不足。 第二部分首先概括了水资源行业的经济技术特征,即水资源供给的自然垄断性、稀缺性、外部性、需求价格弹性较小和区域差异性等,这也是政府进行水价规制的理论依据;接着通过对水价规制基本内涵和水价规制主要内容(包括价格水平规制、价格结构规制、规制体制)的阐述,以及对水权、水权交易和水质规制的论述,使得水价规制的理论体制更加丰富,水价规制的内涵也得以延伸。最后运用比较分析法,从实际应用和社会分配效率两个角度,对传统定价方法和激励性定价方法下的水价规制主要方法进行了简要分析比较。 第三部分通过阐述价格机制在市场机制中的核心作用,明确其对水资源保护和利用的重要意义,而且结合科学发展观设计科学合理的水价定价机制,是现实需要和必然选择,并据此认为科学发展观对水价制定的新要求包括坚持以人为本、坚持可持续发展、坚持高效利用、坚持成本回收等,由此提出科学发展视野下的水价应由资源成本、工程成本、环境成本、管理成本、合理利润和税金等六部分组成的观点,最终成功建立了科学发展观视野下的定价机制模型。 第四部分运用比较分析法从水价规制体制和水价形成机制两大方面对英国、法国、美国这几个国家的水价规制状况进行了比较分析,并归纳得出它们的现行水价规制普遍具有水价管一理权限一明确、职责一清晰、专一业化程度一高,水价制定原则与定价机制合理,,水价构成要素比较真实合理以及水价执行与调整机制规范透明等特点。 第五部分为我国水价规制的实证分析。通过对我国水价管理法律制度的历史沿革概况进行归纳梳理,总结得出我国水价改革经历了行政事业性水费和商品水价两大阶段,并从水价制定基本原则、水价规制基本内容和规制体制等方面分析总结了我国现行水价体系的现状,据此归纳分析得出我国水价形成机制存在着水价构成要素不合理、定价方法欠科学等问题;水价规制体制存在着规制权力分散与效率低下、规制机构规制能力欠缺、供水企业政企不分与效率低下、水价成本审核监督机制尚未健全与水价秩序混乱以及社会公众监督机制不完善等诸多问题。 第六部分从科学发展观视野出发,并借鉴发达国家经验,提出了完善我国水价政府规制的路径与对策,即以科学发展观为指导从构造科学合理的水价构成要素、加快推广定价机制多元化等方面建立科学合理的水价形成机制以及从转变政府职能、明确部门职责、提高政府规制能力、健全水价成本审核监督机制和提高政府规制透明度等方面深化水价规制体制改革。
[Abstract]:Water is the source of life , the production is the essential resource which is indispensable to human existence and development . It is necessary for people to live and develop . In China , the water resources crisis has not been paid much attention , water shortage , water pollution and so on have become the important factors that restrict our country ' s economic and social development . In order to solve the above problems , this paper tries to solve the above - mentioned problems , and choose from the view of scientific development view , and make theoretical and empirical research on the water price regulation in China . In the first part , the background and significance of the research on water price regulation in China are discussed in detail , and the research developments of water price formation mechanism and regulation system theory at home and abroad are summarized . Then the research methods and structure arrangement of this paper are explained , and the innovation points and shortcomings of this paper are pointed out . The second part summarizes the economic and technological characteristics of the water resources industry , that is , the natural monopoly , the scarcity , the exterior , the demand price elasticity and the regional difference between the water resources industry , and the discussion on the water right , the water right transaction and the water quality regulation . Finally , the comparison analysis method is applied to compare the main methods of the water price regulation under the traditional pricing method and the incentive pricing method from two angles of practical application and social distribution efficiency . In the third part , the central role of price mechanism in the market mechanism is expounded , and it is clear that it is of great significance to the protection and utilization of water resources , and it is necessary and necessary to design scientific and reasonable water price pricing mechanism in combination with the scientific development view . The new requirements of scientific development view on water price development include insisting on people - oriented , insisting on sustainable development , insisting on efficient utilization , insisting on cost recovery , etc . , and finally , putting forward the idea of the six parts of resource cost , engineering cost , environmental cost , management cost , reasonable profit and tax payment , finally , it successfully establishes the pricing mechanism model under the view of scientific development view . The fourth part compares the water price regulation situation of Britain , France and the United States from the two aspects of the water price regulation system and the water price formation mechanism by comparative analysis , and concludes that the current water price regulation has the characteristics of a clear water price pipe , a clear responsibility , a high specific industrial degree , a reasonable price setting principle and a pricing mechanism , a reasonable and reasonable price composition factor , and a standard transparency of the water price enforcement and adjustment mechanism . The fifth part is the empirical analysis of the water price regulation in China . Through summarizing the historical evolution of the water price management legal system in China , the author concludes that the water price reform in China has experienced two stages of administrative and commercial water price and commodity water price . In the sixth part , from the view of scientific development view , and from the experience of developed countries , this paper puts forward the path and countermeasure to perfect the regulation of water price government in China .
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