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发布时间:2018-01-06 05:18

  本文关键词:基于复合成本性态的天然气管输定价模型研究 出处:《西安石油大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 天然气管输 管输定价 成本性态 复合输气量

[Abstract]:The future of natural gas consumption is full of impetus, according to the State Council's Energy Development Strategy Action Plan 2014-2020, until 2020. The proportion of natural gas in primary energy consumption has risen to more than 10%. In October 9th 2016, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the New Policy on Pipeline pricing. [2142, the latest policy on pipeline pricing, is a major reform of the pricing mechanism for natural gas pipelines. Therefore, it is imperative to deepen the research on the pricing method of natural gas pipeline transportation. Firstly, based on the literature review, this paper analyzes the limitations of the current pricing mechanism of natural gas pipeline transportation in China. The complexity of the cost driver of natural gas pipeline transportation is discussed, and the concept of compound gas transportation rate is put forward. Secondly, it introduces the calculation method of natural gas pipeline transportation compound gas quantity, the collection of pipeline transportation cost and the regulation of pipeline transportation cost in the new policy of pipe transportation pricing of the National Development and Reform Commission. This paper makes an empirical test on the driving force of compound cost of natural gas pipeline transportation, and discusses the problem of target profit of pipeline transportation enterprises. Then, the disadvantages of the traditional pipeline pricing method based on the "price inversion algorithm" are analyzed. Based on the cost addition method, the natural gas pipeline pricing formula is derived. Furthermore, the gas pipeline pricing model based on compound cost state is established, and the parameters of the model are analyzed. Finally, taking the W Management Office of PetroChina Eastern Pipeline Co., Ltd as an example, the model is applied and the sensitivity analysis of the profit of the representative pipeline transportation station is carried out. The research results show that the current pipeline price in China is overvalued by more than 50%; Through the relationship between pipeline price and natural gas market sale price, the market price of natural gas pipeline is calculated, and an interval of this price is obtained, which is higher than the calculated price of pipeline transportation based on the rate of return on investment. Lower than the actual pipeline price; Among the factors that affect the profit of pipeline transportation, the sensitivity is in order from strong to weak as follows: unit price of pipeline transportation, compound gas quantity, fixed cost of pipeline transportation, variable cost of pipeline transportation. This model is of great value for reference and application. Pipeline enterprises should be on the alert and be prepared to keep or increase the profit in advance if the price of pipeline transportation may appear in the future.


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