本文选题:项目管理 + 项目成本控制 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As the most important mode of transport in our country, railway transportation plays a great role in promoting the national economy, so every year the government will invest a lot of money in the construction of railway infrastructure. In recent years, with the increasing transparency and fairness of competition, more and more enterprises will participate in the bidding of railway construction projects. In order to win the bid, the bidding enterprises usually reduce the bidding price and naturally reduce their profit space. Therefore, how to obtain the corresponding profit from the winning project is a problem that must be considered in the enterprise project operation and management. Based on the above practical needs, how to use the theory of project cost management to improve the economic benefits of the project, in order to enhance the competitiveness and survivability of enterprises, is of great practical significance. Based on this, the cost management of Z-3 railway construction project in front of SJ railway station is taken as the research object, and the cost management problem of construction project is discussed in this paper. The research idea of this paper is: "Conceptual combing-theoretical guidance-current situation investigation-problem, cause and factor analysis-cost control scheme-effect analysis-conclusion and prospect". Based on the above logic, this paper includes the following chapters: chapter one, introduction. This is the basis of the full text, the background of the topic and the purpose and significance of the research, review and comment on the relevant theories of project cost management research at home and abroad, design the research methods, ideas and main contents, summarize the possible innovations and shortcomings. Chapter two, theoretical basis. This paper mainly expounds the concept and related theory of project cost management, including the concept of project, cost, cost management and project management, the concept of project cost management, the method of project cost management and control, the influence factors and the process. This paper expounds the related principles of project cost management, and provides theoretical support for the full text research. The third chapter analyzes the cost status and problems of the construction project of Z-3 in front of SJ railway station. The main content of this chapter is to introduce the overall situation of the project, investigate the project in the process of project cost management, and on the basis of the analysis of the current situation and analysis of problems, explore the factors that affect the project cost. It provides the basis for the cost management optimization scheme of Z-3 construction project in front of SJ railway station in the next chapter. The fourth chapter is the cost management optimization scheme of the construction project of Z-3 in front of SJ railway station. When the project cost management is deviated in practice, it is very important to optimize the project cost design in time. Based on this, the main content of this chapter is to design the project cost improvement scheme under the premise of the project cost guiding ideology and the general idea, and try hard to establish the perfect project cost management system for the construction project of Z-3 in front of the SJ railway station. In the fifth chapter, the effect of cost improvement of Z-3 construction project in front of SJ railway station is evaluated. Chapter VI, conclusions and prospects
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