[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the aggravation of market competition, marketing management is paid more and more attention by enterprise management. This paper takes the marketing work of company A as an example, on the basis of the existing marketing management theory, combined with the actual situation of company A, the specific marketing management methods are studied. Based on the idea of objective management and system management and the idea of customer-centered marketing management, this paper discusses the marketing process management, marketing personnel management, marketing performance appraisal and marketing cost management of company A. In marketing management process design, the company's marketing process includes eight parts: brand promotion and publicity, bidding planning and authorization, contract review and contract signing, business management, technical support, customer satisfaction measurement, Customer complaint processing, related business data statistical analysis. This paper discusses four key links of bidding process control procedure, sales contract review and management procedure, customer satisfaction measurement, customer complaint processing, and formulates detailed operation flow to ensure the standardization of the process. Since Company A has a large sales force, this is not only a creative asset of the company, but also a major focus of marketing management. The management of Company A for the sales force mainly includes the design of the sales force and the control of the agents. And the training of sales personnel in three areas. In addition to the most basic aspects of finance, legal affairs, procedure documents and marketing business, the training of sales personnel emphasizes the information management method. At the same time, the company integrates the "two or eight principles" into the design of the marketing performance appraisal system, which fully reflects the management concept of the result-oriented. For large enterprises such as company A, cost management in marketing management is a part that needs special emphasis. The management of marketing cost in company A is divided into two aspects: marketing cost control and marketing cost accounting. Marketing expenses control mainly includes "five expenses", sales staff travel, gift reception control. Marketing cost accounting of the main marketing expenses, and the payment process. With the deepening reform of China's power grid industry, enterprises in the industry need to actively promote market competitiveness, and strengthening marketing management is an important way to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. For company A, actively exploring the marketing management system strategy is a practical topic.
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