[Abstract]:Because IT is a completely open competitive industry, it has been recognized as the fastest changing market, the fastest technology update, the most competitive industry, this industry is fast fish eat slow fish industry, no matter how brilliant. How huge giant enterprises, if can not adapt to the rapid changes in the industry, will soon be eliminated by the industry, die-out. Through the analysis and study of a 8 core high-end smart machine project in T Company, and by analyzing the problem cases in the process of actual project, this paper deeply analyzes the problems encountered in the project management of typical IT design industry in China. And combined with various tools of project management: project proposal / WBS task decomposition table SWOT analysis DFMEA and so on. This paper introduces in detail how an excellent project manager should deal with various problems in the project, how to coordinate the project progress, project cost control and project quality control in project management, and how to coordinate the various design departments. Relationship between design department and supply chain department, design department and quality department. In the current industry environment of fast rhythm, high cost pressure and high quality requirement, efficient project management is especially important, and the role of project manager in IT design company is especially obvious. Good project management, need to monitor project progress, cost, quality risk. A good project manager needs a deep professional background, excellent communication skills, strong control, and sharp market reaction and judgment. Under the premise of ensuring the progress of the project, it requires comprehensive coordination of resources from all sides. Achieve the balance and ultimate goal of the project. This paper puts forward the management direction of modern IT design company which must be project-oriented, rather than the management mode based on the benefit of each department. The subject and research of this paper is not only a targeted analysis of T company's mobile phone design project, but also can provide reference and reference for the project management model of the same industry and other industries. In order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises to provide a new management ideas.
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