[Abstract]:According to the principle of market economy, we should introduce the functions of market economy and market into the enterprise's internal management, and join the price mechanism, the competition mechanism and the risk mechanism into the enterprise management. To change the cooperation and management relationship between the grass-roots units and the management departments into the economic relations of equal value exchange and value structure; In order to realize the change of economic and management mechanism and the change of economic growth mode within the enterprise, the human, material, financial and information resources can be fully utilized and exploited. This new management method is the internal market-oriented management of the enterprise. The implementation of market-oriented management within the enterprise can promote the economic growth and management level of the enterprise, reduce the cost of the enterprise, increase the economic benefit, standardize the behavior of the enterprise, and refine the cost management. It is of great significance to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff and workers. As a recognized electrical construction industry with high difficulty, high intensity, high aging, high risk and high entry threshold, it has a special position and role in the national economic development of our country. Compared with other construction industries, it has remarkable environmental complexity. Industry hardship and obvious irreplaceable characteristics are the state's key investment in infrastructure construction. In view of this obvious difference from the characteristics of other industries, in the past development process, there is a relatively fierce competition within the electrical construction industry. The final result of such competitive pressure makes the entire power construction industry profitable at present. Management skills are much inferior to other types of construction, making it increasingly difficult to meet the needs of today's development.
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