[Abstract]:Drilling engineering is an engineering science, it is a complex system of professional production activities. Drilling engineering needs to be carried out day and night. In the early days, more traditional land oil drilling, geological exploration, and so on. Now they are constantly developing to more complex offshore oil drilling, natural gas drilling, and earth climate change exploration drilling. These complex processes have high requirements for engineering technology and higher and more systematic requirements for the project management model of drilling engineering. In the modern society of socialized production and highly developed commodity economy, drilling engineering project management is its inevitable product, which is to study how to use scientific method and reasonable management mode under certain material input and limit of time limit. Finally reach the project target. In this paper, under the background of "going out" strategy of oil drilling companies in our country, this paper summarizes the present situation of overseas drilling engineering project management. On the basis of theoretical analysis, aiming at the problems existing in overseas drilling engineering project management, the paper puts forward the "organization structure". Risk management, cost management, project control, daily fee management model for offshore drilling project; Module 1: market development and project bidding; Module 2: project preparation and project start-up; Module 3: production operation management; Module 4: project logistics management; Module 5: project HSE management; Module 6: project business management; Module 7: project financial management; Module 8: project law, contract management; Module 9: the human resource management of the project "is the general contract management mode of overseas drilling project, which provides some reference for overseas drilling project management."
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