[Abstract]:In recent years, African countries have actively promoted the development and reform of the African financial industry, and the African banking industry has shown great potential for development. Within the framework of the "Ten-Africa Cooperation" strategy, financial cooperation, especially banking cooperation between China and Africa is also increasingly strengthened. This paper first analyzes the present situation of African banking industry, and points out that in recent years, the overall development of African banking industry is good, electronic banking and transnational banks are rising rapidly, but the penetration rate of bank branches is low, and the problem of banking industry highly concentrated still exists. Secondly, the paper analyzes the competitiveness of banks in Africa from the aspects of capital growth rate, rate of return on capital, rate of return on cost and so on. Finally, the cooperation mode, the cooperation field and the internationalization of RMB between China and Africa are studied, and some suggestions are put forward for the future cooperation trend of China and Africa banking industry.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学经济学院;厦门大学经济学院国际经济与贸易系;
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