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发布时间:2018-12-05 18:31
【摘要】:网络计划技术是在20世纪60年代由华罗庚教授引入我国,在生产和生活中得到了广泛应用,尤其是在工程施工项目管理中,应用最多。当今社会,随着科技的进步,社会生产力的快速发展,现代工程施工项目投资额度越来越大,施工技术越来越复杂,工程量越来越大,涉及范围越来越广,工期越来越长,导致传统的项目管理手段已不能满足现代工程项目管理的需求。因此,使用网络计划技术对施工进行全程管理逐渐发展起来,但是在我国的施工项目管理中应用网络计划也仅仅停留在网络计划的编制上,依然存在许多的问题,如企业管理层不重视网络计划技术,管理水平较低,缺乏技术人才,应用深度不够等等。为改变这种现状,我们应规范并完善施工管理体系,提高企业管理层对网络计划技术的重视,加大网络计划技术人才的培养力度,使网络计划技术在工程项目管理中发挥最大的效用,最终达到保证项目施工质量,对项目全过程进行计划、调控、组织协调,缩短工程工期,创造最大的工程效益的目的。 首先本文较为系统的阐述了工程网络计划技术的起源、国内外研究现状、研究背景、基本理论综述等,详细介绍了网络计划中最为常用的一种进度控制方法—关键线路法(Critical Path Method,CPM),关键线路法师运用网络图的形式来表示项目中每项活动的进度和它们之间的相互关系,它是通过分析项目过程中哪个活动序列进度安排的总时差最少来预测项目工期的网络分析,确定工程计划中的关键工作(没有机动工作时间的工作)和关键线路(总时差为零或者工作总持续为时间最长的),它是一个时刻变化的动态系统,随着项目的进展不断更新,同时利用时差不断地调整与优化网络,其“向关键路线索要时间,向非关键路线索要资源”的特性,使关键线路法成为工程网络计划技术中最为常用的一种方法,应用越来越广泛。 之后阐述了网络计划的分类及其编制过程以及网络计划技术在工程项目管理中进度计划管理、资源成本管理、工程工期与费用索赔、取得工程效益等方面的作用,并通过网络计划优化技术相关理论,通过实例计算得出在工程中如何进行工期优化、费用优化、资源优化。 最后,,通过中铁十局四公司某项目部承接的一栋外砖内大模现浇钢筋混凝土结构(外砖内模)的住宅楼工程施工任务的具体案例为例进行说明,详细阐述了网络计划技术在工程项目管理中的应用,从项目准备阶段、施工组织设计的制定到网络计划的编制依据、具体绘制,以及如对施工过程全方位进度控制并组织,如何对工程项目进行优化,包括特殊事件时的工期优化、特殊原因下的费用索赔等。 本文通过网络计划技术理论分析与实际案例相结合,全面地阐释了网络计划对工程项目管理的重要性,在工程项目管理使用网络计划可以对整个工程进行跟踪管理,循序渐进,全局调控项目进度,采用动态控制的网络计划方案,可以有效地应对各种未知因素,并随之进行计划调整,使项目顺利实施,具有一定的参考价值及工程指导意义。
[Abstract]:The network planning technology is introduced into our country by Professor Hua Luogeng in the 1960s, and has been widely used in production and life, especially in the project management of project construction. Nowadays, with the progress of science and technology and the rapid development of social productivity, the amount of investment in modern construction projects is becoming more and more complex, the construction technology is becoming more and more complex, the engineering quantity is getting more and more complex, the scope is more and more wide, the construction period is becoming more and more long, The traditional project management method can not meet the needs of the project management of the modern project. Therefore, the whole process management of the construction is gradually developed by using the network planning technology, but the application of the network plan in the construction project management of our country is only on the development of the network plan, and there are still many problems, such as the failure of the enterprise management to pay attention to the network planning technology, The management level is low, the lack of technical personnel, the application depth is not enough, and so on. In order to change this situation, we should standardize and improve the construction management system, increase the attention of the management of the enterprise to the network planning technology, increase the training of the network planning technology talents, and make the network planning technology maximize the utility in the project management of the project, finally, the construction quality of the project is ensured, the whole process of the project is planned, controlled, coordinated, the project construction period is shortened, and the purpose of the maximum engineering benefit is created. First of all, this paper expounds the origin of the engineering network planning technology, the current research situation, the research background and the basic theory of the project, and introduces the most commonly used progress control method and the Critical Path Method (CPM) in the network plan. The key line wizard uses the form of a network diagram to represent the progress of each activity in the project and the relationship between them, which is the network score for predicting the project duration by analyzing the total time difference of which of the active sequence schedules in the project process It is a time-varying dynamic system to identify key work in the engineering plan (with no time for manoeuvre) and critical lines (the total time difference is zero or the total duration of the work is the longest), and as the project progresses more and more In addition, using the time difference to adjust and optimize the network, the characteristics of the 鈥淎sk for time for critical routes and ask for resources for non-critical routes鈥




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