本文选题:社区服务 切入点:社区公共服务 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:社区是居民日常生活的主要聚居领域,是社会管理的细胞和单元。社区公共服务对于满足居民的生活需求、实现社会福利、扩大就业渠道、完善社区管理、推动社区建设具有重要的意义。对于社区公共服务的研究,国外起步较早,为我们提供了很多有价值的参考。无论是以社区照顾为代表的英国社区公共服务模式,,还是以日本介护保险为代表的市场活跃型社区公共服务模式,更或是近年来较为流行的社会组织主导型社区公共服务模式,尽管每个国家、城市的社区公共服务特点各不相同,但都扎根各地实际,在社区建设与管理上发挥了巨大的作用。 青岛经过多年的发展,社区建设已经跻身全国一流水平,但同其他城市一样,在社区公共服务发展的深入推进过程中,出现了一系列不容回避的深层次矛盾和问题。论文以城市社区公共服务为研究对象,通过评析我国社区公共服务发展的历程和国内外城市的实践经验,以及对青岛市社区公共服务发展过程中存在的问题进行剖析,为青岛市社区公共服务工作的深入开展和创新提出了新的路径选择,期待研究成果能为青岛乃至全国其他城市的社区公共服务发展提供有益的借鉴。 本文适应时代的要求和挑战,以青岛近年来的社区公共服务发展的实践为例,从社会学、政治学、法学、公共管理等多个视角出发,采用文献分析法、比较分析法和社会调查研究法进行研究。首先站在理论前沿,对各类相关概念、理论进行清晰的界定,并对国内外主要社区公共服务经验加以更有侧重地分析,并且结合青岛市的实际发展现状,从供给、管理等多角度比较选择适用于青岛市的发展路径,对完善青岛市社区公共服务提出切实可行的对策建议。
[Abstract]:Community is the main area of residents' daily life, and it is the cell and unit of social management. Community public service can meet the living needs of residents, realize social welfare, expand employment channels, and improve community management. It is of great significance to promote community construction. The research on community public service started earlier abroad, which provides us with a lot of valuable reference. Whether it is the British community public service model represented by community care, Or the market active community public service model represented by Japanese insurance, or the more popular social organization oriented community public service model in recent years, although the characteristics of community public service in each country and city are different. However, they all take root in various places and play a great role in community construction and management. After many years of development, community construction in Qingdao has become one of the first-class levels in the country, but like other cities, in the process of deepening the development of community public services, There are a series of deep-seated contradictions and problems that can not be avoided. This paper takes the urban community public service as the research object, through the analysis of the course of the development of the community public service in our country and the practical experience of the domestic and foreign cities. It also analyzes the problems existing in the development of community public service in Qingdao, and puts forward a new path choice for the further development and innovation of community public service in Qingdao. The research results are expected to provide useful reference for the development of community public service in Qingdao and other cities throughout the country. This paper adapts to the demands and challenges of the times, taking the practice of community public service development in recent years in Qingdao as an example, starting from the perspectives of sociology, political science, law, public administration and so on, adopting the literature analysis method. The comparative analysis method and the social investigation research method carry on the research. First, stand at the forefront of the theory, define all kinds of related concepts clearly, and analyze the experience of the main community public service at home and abroad more emphatically. Combined with the actual development of Qingdao, from the supply, management and other perspectives to choose the development path suitable for Qingdao, put forward practical countermeasures and suggestions to improve the community public service in Qingdao.
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