本文选题:执法责任 + 依法行政 ; 参考:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Administrative law enforcement is a large number of regular activities of administrative organs, directly facing the society and the public. The level and quality of administrative law enforcement is directly related to the image of the government. From another perspective, the power of administrative organs is administrative responsibility. Any administrative subject must perform its administrative responsibility at the same time when exercising its power. Customs is the main executor of national foreign trade laws and regulations and related policies. Its administrative law enforcement behavior directly determines the implementation of national foreign trade laws and regulations and the realization of established economic objectives. And directly affect the import and export enterprises and other administrative counterpart rights and obligations. Under the background and requirements of the implementation of the State Council's "Comprehensive Program for the implementation of Administration according to Law", the Customs, as one of the government departments, strictly follows the requirements of "having the right to have the responsibility, the right to be supervised, the infringement to be compensated, and the violation of the law investigated". Strengthening the normative control of power, making efforts to create "responsible, service and rule of law" customs, actively implementing the administrative law enforcement responsibility system, ensuring the correct implementation of administrative responsibilities, this is the need for government organs to administer according to law. It is also the need to maintain social fairness and justice. This paper combines the theory of public administration and public policy, based on the practice of customs law enforcement, starting from the current situation of customs administrative law enforcement responsibility system, objectively analyzes how to implement the administrative responsibility system in the process of customs administrative law enforcement, and combined with a case study. This paper analyzes the causes and harm of the implementation of the responsibility system, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for optimizing the administrative law enforcement responsibility system, in order to provide a reference for the customs construction of the responsible government. This paper mainly includes four parts: the first part begins with the concept of responsibility, clarifies the relationship between power and responsibility, analyzes the concept of customs administrative law enforcement responsibility system and the principles of its establishment; the second part combines the practice of customs in recent years. Summary and analysis of the implementation of the customs administrative law enforcement responsibility system, focusing on the analysis of its progressive significance, the third part of the case, analysis of customs administrative law enforcement responsibility system obstacles to the implementation of the further demonstration of the necessity and urgency of optimizing the system; The fourth part, based on reality, puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of optimizing customs administrative law enforcement responsibility system, and discusses its feasibility.
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