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发布时间:2018-07-24 17:30
【摘要】:在我国改革开放的新时期,引进国外智力是邓小平同志大力倡导的,也是在他的领导下实践并不断发展的。对外开放是我们的基本国策,引进国外智力是对外开放的重要组成部分。因公出国(境)培训是一项复杂的系统工程,是公务员培训新的、重要的课题。公务员因公出国(境)培训属于人力资源培训与开发的研究领域。公务员出国(境)培训是引智工作的重要组成部分,三十年来为我国的经济社会发展起到了强大的推动作用,通过对国外公共管理领域理念经验的借鉴促进了我国的综合发展,但是因为起步晚、缺乏相关知识等客观因素,在积累经验的同时也存在不少问题。 本研究拟采用文献研究法、案例研究法对陕西省出国培训所存在的问题进行分析,以期对陕西省公务员因公出国(境)培训在培训需求、培训设计、培训实施与培训评估四个流程方面进行系统的完善。通过对陕西省公务员培训的现状分析,探讨目前公务员出国(境)培训中存在的问题及其原因,在培训需求分析方面通过战略分析、人员分析以及任务分析三个层面进行完善;在培训设计与培训实施方面,探索购买国(境)外的培训服务;在培训评估方面,设计陕西省公务员出国(境)培训效果的评估指标;进而完善陕西省公务员出国(境)培训体系,提高陕西省公务员出国(境)培训的管理质量。对陕西省公务员因公出国(境)培训流程及各环节的完善提出一些可行性建议。用科学的分析方法分析培训内容、改进培训环节,设定规范的选拔程序对培训对象进行优化公开的选拔,加强培训成果的跟踪、评估,建立规范的效果评估体系等。 建立健全公务员出国(境)培训制度,研究陕西省公务员因公出国(境)培训管理,结合国情省情分析陕西省因公出国(境)培训近年来的培训成果、操作流程、历史发展趋势等,提出合理建议,有益于规范陕西省出国培训操作流程,提高出国培训效果。加强立法和制度建设,依法执行与监督,通过加大监督力度,可以避免和矫正操作过程中的出位现象,另外,还要依法加强监督力度,通过加大监督力度,可以避免和矫正操作过程中的出位现象。
[Abstract]:In the new period of China's reform and opening up, the introduction of foreign intelligence is strongly advocated by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, and it is also practiced and developed under his leadership. Opening to the outside world is our basic national policy, the introduction of foreign intelligence is an important part of the opening up. Training abroad is a complex system engineering, and it is a new and important subject for civil servants training. The training of civil servants abroad belongs to the research field of human resource training and development. The training of civil servants abroad is an important part of the work of attracting intelligence, which has played a powerful role in promoting the economic and social development of our country in the past 30 years. It has promoted the comprehensive development of our country through the reference of the ideas and experiences of foreign countries in the field of public administration. However, due to the late start, lack of relevant knowledge and other objective factors, there are many problems in the accumulation of experience. This research adopts the literature research method, the case study method to carry on the analysis to the Shaanxi Province overseas training existence question, in the hope of Shaanxi Province civil servant to go abroad training in the training demand, the training design, Training implementation and training evaluation of four processes to improve the system. Through the analysis of the current situation of training of civil servants in Shaanxi Province, this paper discusses the existing problems and their causes in the training of civil servants abroad, and improves the training needs from three aspects: strategic analysis, personnel analysis and task analysis. In the aspect of training design and training implementation, we should explore the training service outside the purchasing country (territory), design the evaluation index of the effect of Shaanxi civil servant's training abroad in the aspect of training evaluation. And then improve the training system of Shaanxi province civil servants abroad and improve the management quality of Shaanxi civil servants' overseas training. This paper puts forward some feasible suggestions on the training process and the perfection of various links for the civil servants in Shaanxi province. The training content is analyzed by scientific analysis method, the training link is improved, the training object is selected optimally and openly by setting up the standard selection procedure, the track of the training result is strengthened, the evaluation of the training result is strengthened, and the standard effect evaluation system is established, etc. To establish and improve the training system for civil servants to go abroad, to study the training management of civil servants in Shaanxi Province on business, and to analyze the training results and operation process of Shaanxi Province in recent years on the basis of the situation of the province. Some reasonable suggestions are put forward in order to standardize the operation flow and improve the effect of training abroad in Shaanxi Province. By strengthening legislation and system building, enforcing and supervising according to law, by increasing supervision, we can avoid and correct the phenomenon of appearance in the course of operation. In addition, we should also strengthen supervision in accordance with the law, by increasing the intensity of supervision. It can avoid and correct the appearance in the process of operation.


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