[Abstract]:Residential estate management is the focus of the construction of a harmonious society. In the past thirty years, the property management in residential areas has promoted the development of national economy and the living level of residents, and at the same time, the contradictions and disputes related to property management have also shown a complex and diverse trend. A large number of facts show that, The formation of these contradictions and disputes has something to do with the anomie of government behavior. In today's social transition period, in order to solve the multiple conflicts of interest in property management and promote the benign development of residential property management industry, we must further standardize and optimize government behavior. In order to create a good space for the development of the real estate management, the function of the government in the residential property management and the role that the government should play in the management of the residential property should be accurately located, and the boundaries of the government power should be clearly defined in order to create a good space for the development of the real estate management. This paper selects Hegang City of Heilongjiang Province as a sample to study the government behavior in residential property management. Firstly, the background, significance and purpose of the research on residential property management based on government level, and the current situation of research on government behavior in residential district property management at home and abroad are expounded. Secondly, this paper introduces the related concepts of government behavior in residential property management, and briefly introduces the theories of public choice, public governance, public goods, good governance and limited government used in this paper. Thirdly, taking Hegang City as an example, this paper discusses the current situation and existing problems of government behavior in residential district property management in Hegang City. Fourth, from the perspective of public management, the paper designs the public satisfaction model of government behavior in residential district property management, and constructs the public satisfaction index system of government behavior in Hegang residential district property management. It also analyzes the satisfaction of the public to the government behavior in the residential district property management of Hegang City. On this basis, how to optimize the government behavior in residential property management in Hegang City is studied in order to improve the service level of the government in the residential property management, and make the government behavior achieve the best overall. To maximize the government in residential property management service quality and public satisfaction.
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