发布时间:2018-12-28 19:27
【摘要】:本文旨在研究在当前海洋事务管理体制变化和政府职能转变的背景下,在海事公共服务领域引入第三部门,推进海事监管机构从一元管制到由海事管理机构、航运企业和第三部门组成的多元化动态网络,综合运用政府管制机制、市场机制、社会机制来推进海事管理的可持续发展的过程,以促进海事管理由“全能型”、“人治型”、“管制型”、“效率型”向“有限型”、“法治型”、“效益型”、“服务型”转变。 本论文共分为五个部分,第一部分:绪论。主要介绍研究的背景和意义,以及国内外理论发展和研究的更差,研究的内容和方法。第二部分:相关概念及理论介绍。界定海事公共服务、第三部门、海事管理领域第三部门的基本概念、内涵,阐述海事公共服务领域引入第三部门的理论基础与实践依据。第三部分:我国海事公共服务领域第三部门分析,从公共管理理论和第三部门理论的角度分析了当前海事公共服务领域引入第三部门的可行性,海事管理机构、第三部门和航运企业三者的作用机理,以及引入第三部门后将存在的不足。第四部分:国外海事公共服务领域引入第三部门经验借鉴。通过分析国外在相关海事公共服务领域引入第三部门的情况和经验,为第三部分提出的问题提供经验借鉴。第五部分:我国海事公共服务领域引入第三部门的对策建议。明确海事公共服务领域引入第三部的相关原则,以及引入的领域,提出针对性的解决对策。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the introduction of the third sector in the field of maritime public service under the background of the current changes in the management system of ocean affairs and the transformation of the functions of the government. The diversified dynamic network composed of shipping enterprises and the third sector, synthetically using government control mechanism, market mechanism and social mechanism to promote the process of sustainable development of maritime management, in order to promote maritime management by "omnipotent", "man rule", "Regulation", "efficiency" to "limited", "rule of law", "benefit", "service". This paper is divided into five parts, the first part: introduction. This paper mainly introduces the background and significance of the research, as well as the theoretical development and the worse research at home and abroad, as well as the contents and methods of the research. The second part: related concepts and theoretical introduction. This paper defines the basic concepts and connotations of maritime public service, the third sector and the third sector of maritime management, and expounds the theoretical basis and practical basis of introducing the third sector into the field of maritime public service. The third part: the analysis of the third sector in the field of maritime public service in China. From the perspective of the theory of public management and the theory of the third sector, the feasibility of introducing the third sector into the field of maritime public service is analyzed. The action mechanism of the third sector and shipping enterprise, and the deficiency after the introduction of the third sector. The fourth part: foreign maritime public service to introduce the third sector experience. By analyzing the situation and experience of introducing the third sector in the field of maritime public service abroad, this paper provides experience for reference to the problems raised in the third part. The fifth part: the countermeasures and suggestions of introducing the third sector in the field of maritime public service in China. This paper clarifies the related principles of the introduction of the third part in the field of maritime public service, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the introduction of the third sector in the field of maritime public service under the background of the current changes in the management system of ocean affairs and the transformation of the functions of the government. The diversified dynamic network composed of shipping enterprises and the third sector, synthetically using government control mechanism, market mechanism and social mechanism to promote the process of sustainable development of maritime management, in order to promote maritime management by "omnipotent", "man rule", "Regulation", "efficiency" to "limited", "rule of law", "benefit", "service". This paper is divided into five parts, the first part: introduction. This paper mainly introduces the background and significance of the research, as well as the theoretical development and the worse research at home and abroad, as well as the contents and methods of the research. The second part: related concepts and theoretical introduction. This paper defines the basic concepts and connotations of maritime public service, the third sector and the third sector of maritime management, and expounds the theoretical basis and practical basis of introducing the third sector into the field of maritime public service. The third part: the analysis of the third sector in the field of maritime public service in China. From the perspective of the theory of public management and the theory of the third sector, the feasibility of introducing the third sector into the field of maritime public service is analyzed. The action mechanism of the third sector and shipping enterprise, and the deficiency after the introduction of the third sector. The fourth part: foreign maritime public service to introduce the third sector experience. By analyzing the situation and experience of introducing the third sector in the field of maritime public service abroad, this paper provides experience for reference to the problems raised in the third part. The fifth part: the countermeasures and suggestions of introducing the third sector in the field of maritime public service in China. This paper clarifies the related principles of the introduction of the third part in the field of maritime public service, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.
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