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发布时间:2018-01-25 20:35

  本文关键词: 社会组织 公共服务 多重问责失序 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Is not the holy thing of social organizations. Practice shows that the social organization to undertake public service may reduce the quality of service, illegal use of funds anomie behavior. In this regard, in order to ensure the performance of public services and promote the healthy and orderly development of social organizations, we must build multiple accountability network. However, when the different subject of accountability, accountability according to their own preferences on the social organization, through different accountability accountability, the social organization to cope with, leading to tissue dysfunction, destroying the organization construction, resulting in "multiple accountability disorder". Therefore, multiple accountability network social organizations to undertake public service, to achieve the orderly accountability, accountability preference and organization mission more consistent accountability should be achieved. Of course, the subject of accountability should be put forward and the performance of public service and organizational growth related accountability requirements, to avoid social organizations bring extra The burden. However, the current social public service organizations to undertake multiple accountability is not an ideal state, showing a morbid accountability Network -- "multiple accountability disorder". Because the subject of accountability and accountability status inequality, priority processing, resulting in lack of coordination of accountability subject, accountability synergy is not strong; the accountability process, short-sighted, overly obsessed with economic benefits, resulting in the accountability of alienation, constraints the development of social organization; accountability in order to obtain short-term results only show "success", ignore the purpose of accountability is to promote organizational growth. Accountability is essentially a management tool, is to achieve the objective of public service and promote the organization the growth of the tool. Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of social organizations to undertake public service, the real beneficiaries can be ordered to achieve multiple inclusive, accountability, to form effective accountability efforts. In this regard, it must be clear Ask the objectives and principles of responsibility, mission and service performance and avoid redundant organization independent accountability; establish a authoritative evaluation standard, improve the assessment mechanism of the social organization, ensure that the assessment results of procedural justice, accountability and justice; broaden the channels, strengthen the accountability of the beneficiary, to create a good social atmosphere of accountability, promote the coordination of multiple subjects accountability; accountability to establish a common vision, to achieve a seamless docking multiple accountability; establish and perfect the social organization of the internal accountability mechanisms, improve the response efficiency of social organizations, so as not to spend more time and energy to cope with accountability.



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