本文关键词: 供电公司 内部审计 建议 出处:《中国财政科学研究院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As we all know, internal audit, as a self-regulatory mechanism, is the "immune system" for modern enterprises to improve governance, add value, standardize management, and guard against risks, to improve the system of prevention and control of a clean and clean government, and to prevent the loss of assets. Improving enterprise performance plays an important role. Since the 18 National Congress, the struggle against corruption and the building of a clean government have repeatedly taken on a high pressure, and a large number of senior leaders in state-owned enterprises have lost their horses. Although the Law of the people's Republic of China on the State-owned assets of Enterprises, the Audit Law of the people's Republic of China, the provisions of the Audit Office on Internal Audit work, and other laws and regulations, Both have made certain provisions on the internal audit work of state-owned enterprises, but at present, there are still some problems in the internal audit work of state-owned enterprises, such as imperfect systems, unstressed work priorities, and the role to be further developed. The State Grid is an important backbone state-owned enterprise. Taking the construction and operation of power grid as the core business and ensuring the safe, economic, clean and sustainable power supply as the basic mission, its development relates to the national energy security and the lifeblood of the national economy, and the relative monopoly of the power supply company. Higher social responsibility, intensive capital and technology, and wide scope of business, which involve a lot of financial and management issues. Although the State Grid Corporation has constantly perfected its internal audit system in order to guard against risks, However, the subordinate power supply companies (mainly municipal companies) still have a lot of shortcomings. Therefore, in order to run the power supply companies healthily, It is necessary to perfect its internal audit work. By combining the particularity of power supply company with the relevant theory of internal audit, this paper defines the concept and function of internal audit of power supply company. It also introduces the characteristics of the power supply company and its influence on the internal audit, the key contents of the internal audit and the internal audit procedure. Then, the HZ power supply company is taken as an example. This paper introduces the basic situation of HZ Power supply Company and the present situation of the internal audit of HZ Power supply Company in the aspects of audit basis and objective, organization setup, staffing, audit content, etc. In particular, the audit and development of the specific business of the rural power network renovation project is selected to elaborate in detail. The results of the internal audit of HZ Power supply Company are confirmed, but there are still some problems. It is hoped that through the research of this paper, the direction of the future reform and development of the internal audit of the power supply company and the preventive measures can be taken. Make the internal audit in the power supply company to play a greater effectiveness.
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