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发布时间:2018-05-31 13:22

  本文选题:中国共产党 + 党内治理 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:强化党内治理,是任何一个政党都需要认真面对的一项课题。某种意义上说,政党的发展史就是一部政党的治理史,只有善于自身治理、勤于自身治理的政党,才能在政党政治的时代潮流中永远立于不败之地。纵观世界政党发展史,每一个政党由弱到强无不是从善于治理起步的,而每一个政党由盛转衰也无不是从疏于治理开始的。政党发展规律表明,政党的自身治理水平和治理能力是决定政党兴衰成败的关键因素。在当代,政党政治是现代民主政治的主要形式,国家、社会和政党之间生成了一种密不可分的耦合关系。这种客观形势决定了政党在国家和社会中的作用越来越突出,内在地要求政党必须强化党内治理以促进国家和社会的发展进步。党内治理是政党动员各级党组织和党员干部等多个主体广泛参与、上下互动,综合运用协商、合作、对话等方式及科学、民主、法治等方略高效治理自身事务的活动。党内治理有别于传统意义上的政党建设或政党管理,更多地体现出了"治理"的多维意涵和"善治"的价值取向。党内治理蕴含着力量多元、制度至上、双向互动、廉价高效的新内涵,彰显出通过治理和善治理念来保持政党自身生机和活力的一种尝试性努力。党内治理在实践形态上可外化为具体意义上的"治党"问题,其核心问题在于探讨如何依靠法治来规约党内权力以及如何依靠制度来惩治党内腐败。总体来说,推进党内治理需要不断完善治理结构、优化治理机制、提升治理能力,以求达到政党善治之理想目标。中国共产党历来重视党的建设,始终坚持党要管党、从严治党。尤其是党的十八大以来,以习近平为核心的党中央把从严治党摆在了更加突出的位置,提出了"全面从严治党"这一重大战略。其实,就全面从严治党的精神实质而言,它不仅强调了"全面"这一基础和"从严"这一关键,更为重要的是它点出了"治"这一要害。全面从严治党之"治"不仅仅是传统意义上"抓一抓" "管一管"、"治一治",而且更多地是现代意义上的"治理"。毋庸置疑,全面从严治党蕴涵着规范意义上的党内治理理念,其生长点在于政党理念实现了从"管理"到"治理"的升华。我们应当从党内治理的视角重新审视"全面从严治党"这一重大战略,以党内治理理念来构筑全面从严治党的"理论之经",以党内治理规律来指引全面从严治党的"实践之纬"。本论文立足于国家治理现代化的视阈,遵循理论与实践相统一,逻辑与历史相统一的原则,集中研究中国共产党党内治理问题。全文共分导论和七章。本文着重阐述和论证了以下观点:1、治理和善治理论与政党研究具有强相关性,将治理和善治理论融于到政党研究中便生成了政党治理概念。从内涵上讲,政党治理有广义和狭义之分。狭义上的政党治理特指党内治理。所谓中国共产党党内治理,就是中国共产党将现代治理和善治理念嵌入到管党治党之中,并以科学、民主、法治等方略来规范组织运行的治理过程。中国共产党党内治理具有顺应政党现代化潮流、创新管党治党模式、高效解决党内问题等三重价值指向。从外延上讲,政党治理与政党建设、政党管理,与国家治理、社会治理,既存在差异又相互关联。政党治理是政党建设的一个重要环节,它实现了对传统党建模式的创新。政党治理是一种更为科学、合理、高效的理念和模式,它是对政党管理的升级、转型和超越。纵然政党治理与国家治理、社会治理在领导力量、价值取向和基本依循上是一致的,但三者在治理主体和治理对象上也存在着显著的差异,必须厘清它们之间的边界。2、中国共产党党内治理绝非无源之水,需要吸收多方面的思想资源。一方面,中国共产党作为马克思主义政党,有着自身的先进性和独特性。我们应当基于马克思主义政党理论视角,从马克思恩格斯对政党学说的初始论述中、从列宁对新型无产阶级政党理论的应时发展中、从中国共产党人对党建理论的开拓创新中寻求中国共产党党内治理所依赖的丰富思想养料。另一方面,中国共产党作为一个大党、老党,需要遵循现代政党治理的主要经验和一般规律。政党变革视角是西方政党理论研究的主要范式,可以成为探讨中国共产党党内治理的重要参照。我们应当基于政党变革视角,批判性地吸收其中具有普遍意义的合理性成分,从而使其成为中国共产党党内治理的基本借鉴。3、中国共产党党内治理绝非无本之木,需要历史和现实的双重支撑。从历史依据上看,中国共产党在思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、制度建设,反腐倡廉建设等方面积累了丰富的管党治党经验和深刻的管党治党教训,为新形势下中国共产党党内治理提供了浓厚的历史积淀。从现实依据上看,中国共产党党内治理是时代发展的必然要求。面对风险社会、开放多元、新兴媒体等形势,中国共产党要通过党内治理来消解适应性危机、化解调试性难题和破解应对性困境。中国共产党党内治理契合国家治理现代化的内在要求。国家治理离不开执政党的强力主导,国家治理体系内含党内治理框架的搭建,国家治理绩效有赖于党内治理能力的提升。中国共产党党内治理如要具有可行性,就要在中国特色社会主义民主政治的前提下设计治理框架,要在政党领域实现治理理论的适应性改造、创造性转化、结构性互动和策略性回应。4、中国共产党党内治理主要从"硬要素"和"软要素"两个核心向度涉足。"软要素"是维持政党竞争力和创造力的思想灵魂,"硬要素"是维持政党生命力和活力的组织躯壳。从软要素的向度,中国共产党要注重建构政党文化,保持政党意识形态阶级性与包容性的统一,并以良好党内文化涵养风清气正的党内政治生态;要重塑政党形象,努力增强党员干部和人民群众对政党的认同;要实现政党权威转型,不断提升政党的合法性。从硬要素的向度,中国共产党要合理控制政党组织规模,探寻规模扩大与善于治党的正向关联;要不断优化政党组织结构,实现结构创新与高效治党的同频共振;要努力消解政党组织惯性和无组织生长,有效应对政党治理效果递减律。5、科学化、民主化、制度化是中国共产党党内治理应然追寻的三种实践机制。与之相对应,科学治党、民主治党、制度治党是中国共产党党内治理进程中实然存在的三种治党方略。科学治党是政党善治的基础,它解决的是如何高效治党的问题,重点在于维持治理活动的规律性、有序性和艺术性;民主治党是政党善治的动力,它解决的是如何监督党内权力的问题,重点在于促进治理运行的参与性、互动性和透明性;制度治党是政党善治的保障,它解决的是如何治理党内腐败的问题,重点在于实现治理过程的法治性、规范性和廉洁性。三者相互促进、相辅相成,共同构建了完整严密、环环相扣的治理链条,共同成为党内治理不可或缺的内在机理。6、提升治理能力是中国共产党党内治理的发展路向和价值旨归。中国共产党可以从思想导向能力、组织凝聚能力、作风感召能力、自我净化能力和政党法治能力五个层面构筑党内治理现代化的能力支撑,继而在能力本位的基础上设计党内治理现代化的路径。思想导向能力是党内治理的柔性推动力,党要突出理想信念教育、党性修养培育和道德人格养成;组织软弱涣散是阻滞党内治理灵活运转的重要原因,党要在"领导干部"和"向基层延伸"两个方面着力增强组织凝聚能力建设;作风问题是制约党内治理成效的主要瓶颈,党要集中整饬"四风",构建作风建设的长效机制;腐败现象是党内治理面临的最为突出的问题,党既要严厉惩治腐败,全面净化党内政治生态,又要加强党内监督,始终保持党的廉洁自律,还要实现向制度治腐、标本兼治、综合治理转变;政党法治能力是党内治理的核心能力,党要增强党内法规创制能力,提高党内法规执行能力,提升领导干部法治能力。
[Abstract]:In a sense, the history of political parties' development is a political history of a political party. Only a party who is good at governance and diligent in its own governance can always stand in an invincible position in the political trend of party politics. The political party is the key factor in determining the success or failure of the party's prosperity and decline. In the present time, political party and political governance is the main form of modern democratic politics, the state and the society. There is an inseparable coupling relationship between the party and the party. This objective situation determines that the party's role in the state and society is becoming more and more prominent, and that the party must strengthen the party governance to promote the development and progress of the state and the society. Extensive participation, interaction between up and down, comprehensive use of consultation, cooperation, dialogue and other ways as well as science, democracy, rule of law and other strategies to effectively govern their own affairs. Inner party governance is different from the traditional political party construction or political party management. It embodies the multi dimension meaning of "governance" and the value orientation of "good governance". Inner party governance contains power. The new connotation of pluralism, system supremacy, two-way interaction and low cost and efficiency shows an attempt to maintain the vitality and vitality of the party through governance and good governance concept. The inner party governance can be externalized to the "ruling party" in practical form, and its core problem lies in the discussion of how to regulate the power of the party by relying on the rule of law. And how to punish the inner-party corruption on the basis of the system. In general, the promotion of Inner Party governance needs to improve the governance structure, optimize the governance mechanism and improve the governance ability, in order to achieve the ideal goal of the good governance of the party. The Communist Party of China has always attached importance to the party's construction, always insisting that the party should manage the party and strictly govern the party. Especially since the eighteen Party's major, the Chinese Communist Party has studied The Party Central Committee, which is the core of the party, put the party in a more prominent position and put forward the major strategy of "strictly governing the party". In fact, it not only emphasizes the key to the "comprehensive" basis and "strict", but more importantly, it points out the key to "governance", and more importantly, administering the party in an all-round way. "Governance" is not only the traditional sense of "grasping one grasp", "administering one tube" and "governing one", but also more in the modern sense of "governance". There is no doubt that the concept of governing party governance in the normative sense is contained in the comprehensive administration of the party. The growth point of the party's concept is that the idea of the party has been sublimated from "management" to "governance". It reexamines the major strategy of "strictly governing the party" with the idea of Inner Party governance to construct the "theory of the theory" which is strictly governing the party and directing "the weft of practice" with the rule of Party governance. This paper is based on the threshold of the modernization of national governance, and follows the principle of unification of theory and practice, and the principle of unity of logic and history. It concentrates on the study of Party governance in the Party of the Communist Party of China. The full text is divided into introduction and seven chapters. This article expounds and demonstrates the following points: 1, the theory of governance and good governance is strongly related to the research of political parties, and the concept of political party governance is generated by the integration of governance and good governance theory into the research of political parties. The party governance in the narrow sense refers to the internal governance of the party. The party governance in the Communist Party of China means that the Communist Party of China has embedded modern governance and good governance concept into the party governing the party and standardizing the management process of organization operation with science, democracy and the rule of law. The party governance and Party construction, party management, political party management, national governance and social governance are both different and interrelated. Party governance is an important link in Party building, and it realizes the innovation of the traditional party building model. Party governance is one of the three aspects. It is a more scientific, reasonable and efficient concept and model. It is the upgrading, transformation and Transcendence of the political party management. Even though the political party governance and the state governance, the social governance is consistent with the leadership, the value orientation and the basic compliance, but the three are also significant differences between the governance subjects and the governance objects, which must be clarified. The border.2, the party governance of the Communist Party of China is not a water passivity, needs to absorb many ideological resources. On the one hand, the Communist Party of China, as a Marx party, has its own advanced nature and uniqueness. We should be based on the perspective of Marx doctrine party theory, from the initial exposition of Marx and Engels to the theory of political parties, from Lenin In the development of the new proletarian party theory of the proletariat, it seeks the rich ideological nourishment that the party governance of the Communist Party of China depends on. On the other hand, the Communist Party of China, as a big party and the old party, needs to follow the main experience and general rule of the modern governance of the party. The angle of view is the main paradigm of the study of the western party theory, and it can be an important reference to discuss the party governance of the Communist Party of China. Based on the perspective of the party reform, we should critically absorb the rational elements of its universal significance, thus making it a basic reference for the party governance of the Communist Party of China (.3) and the party governance of the Communist Party of China. On the basis of historical basis, the Communist Party of China has accumulated rich experience in governing the party and administering the party's lessons deeply, and provided a strong way for the party governance of the Communist Party of China under the new situation. On the basis of reality, the party governance of the Communist Party of China is the inevitable requirement of the development of the times. Facing the situation of risk society, opening pluralism and emerging media, the Communist Party of China should solve the adaptability crisis through inner party governance, dissolve the debugging problems and solve the sexual dilemma. The party governance of the Communist Party of China agrees with the national governance. The internal requirement of the modernization is that the state governance is inseparable from the strong dominance of the ruling party. The national governance system contains the building of the inner party governance framework and the performance of the state governance depends on the improvement of the inner party governance ability. If the party governance of the Communist Party of China is to be feasible, it should be designed and governed under the premise of China's special socialist democracy. The framework should realize the adaptive transformation of governance theory, creative transformation, structural interaction and strategic response to.4. The party governance of the Communist Party of China is mainly involved in the two core dimensions of "hard elements" and "soft elements". "Soft elements" is the soul of maintaining the competitiveness and creativity of the party, and the "hard element" is the maintenance of the vitality of the party. From the dimension of the soft elements, the Communist Party of China should pay attention to the construction of the party culture, maintain the unity of political party ideology and inclusiveness, and maintain the inner party political ecology with a good inner party culture, remould the political party's image and strive to enhance the identity of Party members and the masses of the party; The party's authority transformation will constantly improve the legitimacy of the political party. From the degree of the hard elements, the Communist Party of China should rationally control the organization scale of the party, explore the positive correlation between the scale and the party, and optimize the organizational structure of the party to realize the same frequency resonance of the structural innovation and the efficient administration of the party; and try to eliminate the inertia and unorganization of the party organization. Growth, effective response to the decline law of political party governance.5, scientific, democratization and institutionalization are three practical mechanisms for Party governance in the Communist Party of China. It solves the problem of how to manage the party efficiently, the emphasis is to maintain the regularity, orderliness and artistry of the governance activities, and the Democratic Party governance is the motive force of the party's good governance. It solves the problem of how to supervise the party's power, the emphasis is to promote the participation, interaction and transparency of the governing operation, and the system of Party governance is the guarantee of the good governance of the party. It solves the problem of how to govern the corruption in the party, with the emphasis on realizing the rule of law, standardization and integrity in the process of governance. The three mutually promote and complement each other, and jointly build a complete and rigorous, closely linked governance chain, and together become the internal mechanism of inner-party governance,.6, and the promotion of governance ability is the Party of the Communist Party of China. The Chinese Communist Party can build the ability support of the modernization of Inner Party governance from five levels: ideological orientation ability, organization ability, style of calling ability, self purification ability and political party's rule of law ability, and then design the path of modernization of Inner Party governance on the basis of ability standard. Ability is the flexible driving force of Inner Party governance, the party should highlight the ideal and belief education, the cultivation of party spirit and the cultivation of moral personality, and the weakness and laxity of the party is an important reason for blocking the flexible operation of the party governance. The party should strengthen the construction of organizational cohesion in two aspects: "leading cadres" and "extending to the grass-roots level"; the problem of style is the restriction of the party's party The main bottleneck of governance effectiveness is that the party should centrally straighten out the "four winds" and build a long-term mechanism for the construction of the style of work. The corruption is the most prominent problem in the party governance. The party should punish corruption severely and purify the party's political ecology in an all-round way, but also strengthen the inner party supervision, keep the party's integrity and self-discipline, and realize the corruption to the system. The ruling ability of the party's rule of law is the core ability of the party governance. The party should strengthen the ability to create the rules and regulations of the party, improve the execution ability of the party's laws and regulations, and improve the ability of the leading cadres in the rule of law.




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