[Abstract]:With the rapid rise of foreign banks in the domestic market and urban commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks joined the four major state-owned banks to break the dominant world pattern, in order to seize a place in the financial globalization market. Commercial banks speed up financial reform and make themselves more competitive in the financial market. China's financial market is becoming more open, and many of the world's top foreign banks have gradually entered the Chinese market, such as Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC and Citibank, and domestic commercial banks have opened branches throughout the country. In recent years, private banks have received approval from the CBRC. At present, several private banks, such as Tianjin Jincheng Bank, Shanghai Huarui Bank, Shenzhen Qianhai WeBank, Wenzhou Civil and Commercial Bank, and other private banks, will be officially operating outside the country one after another. And the current application to the CBRC as many as 40 private banks. Coupled with the rapid occupation of the banking market by Internet finance, Yu'e Bao is a classic case, which has seriously impacted the banking industry in the past and made it face severe pressure. From this we can know that the banking industry has entered the stage of intense competition. In the face of such fierce competition, commercial banks begin to realize that if the reform is not completed, the transformation will be gradually swallowed up and eliminated in the financial market. This means that commercial banks in the original extensive management of fine management, with the help of a reasonable and applicable assessment system to build a high-quality work team, stimulate the strengths of each employee, so that business performance can grow rapidly. Increase the core competitiveness of enterprises. As the core of human resource management, performance appraisal system plays a decisive role in the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of employees, and has far-reaching strategic significance for the formation of competitive advantage of enterprises. At present, with the rapid expansion of commercial banks and business scale, the existing human resource management model has been unable to adapt to the expansion of scale and economic growth strategy. Scientific, perfect and reasonable performance appraisal system can not only help enterprises attract talents, retain existing staff, but also promote overall management performance and competitiveness. In order to ensure that employees enter the banking market with the greatest enthusiasm the development of a scientific perfect and reasonable performance appraisal system has become a top priority. This article will take Jiangxi bank to the public account manager's present examination plan as the research object, through to the public account manager's post duty request and the present appraisal plan examination content analysis, To explore the scientific nature of the current assessment scheme in introducing exit mechanism, fixed salary mechanism, rating and file evaluation mechanism, assessment index and assessment method, and the implementation of the performance appraisal plan for the customer manager. As well as the defects and deficiencies in the construction of performance incentive system, and the reasons for the above problems are analyzed and explained one by one.
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