[Abstract]:At present, many operators in the communications industry have adopted customer relationship management software to maintain customer information, but the two tasks of visiting work and target customer relationship management are managed separately. Not centralized in one platform unified management. Based on the research of customer visit management information system at home and abroad, this paper introduces geographic information system into customer visit management system to provide a unified and friendly view interface. To record, assist, check and quantify the visiting work of the group account manager and the channel manager, so as to solve the problem of the poor compatibility and low positioning efficiency of the channel manager and the group account manager visiting the mobile phone. On the basis of full investigation, this paper analyzes the service visited by customers. Based on the Bing map service of Microsoft, the system is designed and developed according to the rich API and C # language provided by the system. The database is based on the SQL Server2005, of Microsoft. Can meet the amount of data growth and run node expansion needs. By using SMS check-in method to monitor the visit of account manager in real time, so as to ensure the implementation of customer visit work; Using a data set, multi-dimensional display information management mode, users of different roles access the system interface with different emphasis on information display through the role authority setting of the system. The integration of external data and visiting system is realized by compiling and encapsulating the corresponding WebService interface. In addition, in the aspect of system testing, the test case is written for each functional module, and the system stress test is carried out by building a simulated test environment, and the system is re-optimized to improve the system according to the problems found in the test. Ensure that the system can meet the needs of daily customer visits. The on-line development of the visiting system can solve the difficulty of the check-up and management of the customers' visit in the telecommunication industry, and the single means has a positive effect on improving the situation, which has been affirmed by the leading colleagues of the users. With the development of mobile terminals, the next version is no longer limited to SMS check-in, but through mobile client applications to expand the business.
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