[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, customer relationship management system will come into being. This system can be used to share and manage customer information, and at the same time to complete the analysis of customer history information. Is the company customer management and business decision-making analysis of an important tool. Customer relationship management system helps the company to reduce the cost of customer management, improve the efficiency of customer management, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately improve the profitability of the enterprise. In the long-term business practice, the Northern Tongda Company recognizes the importance of customer relationship management and expects to use information technology to help enterprises manage the existing customer information and realize the effective integration of customer resources. In view of the actual situation of customer management in Northern Tongda Company, this paper combs the business process of customer relationship management, and designs and implements a management system which accords with the present situation and future development trend of customer relationship management in Northern Tongda Company. The concrete work accomplished and the results achieved are summarized below. This paper first completes the customer relationship management system requirements analysis content, the overall completion of the system requirements description, the system role related departments and specific roles are analyzed. The functional requirements and performance requirements of customer relationship management system are analyzed. Then completed the customer relationship management system related design, including the overall system architecture, and under the framework of the various logical functions (including personal affairs, customer management, sales management, customer service, etc.), At the same time, the concept and logical structure design of this system database are defined. Finally, the customer relationship management system is realized, the interface design is completed, and the interface and logic processing are unified. After the implementation, multiple test cases are used to test the function of the system to ensure that the customer relationship management system meets the requirements. The system has been put into use in the North Tongda Company at present. Using this system as the information means of the company's customer management, the marketing department can manage the customer relationship efficiently and rationally, and realize the effective analysis and utilization of the customer resources.
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