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  本文选题:上海 切入点:研发产业 出处:《上海师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着跨国公司在世界范围内迅速扩张,研发活动的全球化趋势愈加显著,研发活动密集区域的“研发产业”也正悄然形成。世界经济发达的国家,尤其是美国、西欧、日本等都把发展研发产业纳入本国21世纪发展的战略核心,通过调整资源投入、兴办高科技园区等途径促进研发产业的发展,提升本国传统产业和高新技术产业的竞争力,争取占据世界经济的制高点。面对日益激烈的国际竞争,我国也积极制定相应政策与措施,将发展研发产业作为我国经济结构调整战略中最重要的任务之一,也是我国“十二五”规划的重要内容之一。 上海作为我国重要的综合性经济中心,,有着促进企业研发机构集聚的优势条件,经过十几年的发展,上海市在促进企业研发机构集聚,发展研发产业方面已取得了非凡成就。上海未来的发展是力争建设成为亚太地区乃至全球性国际产业的产业创新研发中心,这既是上海对研发国际化、全球化趋势的主动应对,也符合上海市经济、社会发展的长远目标和战略选择。本文试图在学者们研究的基础上,对上海研发产业的发展现状、特征进行分析。通过对1016家研发机构、研发企业、科研院所在不同时期的时空变化。研究发现上海研发产业集群共经历了三个阶段:第一阶段:空间扎堆阶段。第二阶段:稳步发展阶段。第三阶段:研发产业集群的专业化和功能化阶段。张江高科技园区、漕河泾高新技术开发区、紫竹科学园区和虹桥经济技术开发区等高新技术园区上海研发产业呈现出集群化发展的雏形。根据研发主体发展模式的不同,将上海研发产业空间发展类型分为三种:一是基于政府的政策导向式模式,二是基于协作的合作网络式,三是基于市场导向的自发性模式。 研究发现上海研发产业集群成长的内部机制为市场机制、集聚经济机制、合作竞争机制与创新机制,其中以创新机制为核心。环境、政府等外部机制在产业集群的成长中同样发挥着重要作用。
[Abstract]:With the rapid expansion of multinational corporations in the world, the trend of globalization of R & D activities is becoming more and more obvious, and the "R & D industry" in the regions where R & D activities are concentrated is quietly forming. Countries with developed economies in the world, especially the United States and Western Europe, Japan and other countries have put the development of R & D industry at the strategic core of their country's development in 21th century, promoted the development of the R & D industry by adjusting the input of resources, setting up high-tech parks, and so on, to enhance the competitiveness of their traditional industries and high-tech industries. Strive to occupy the commanding heights of the world economy. In the face of increasingly fierce international competition, China has also actively formulated corresponding policies and measures to develop the R & D industry as one of the most important strategies of China's economic restructuring strategy, Ren Wuzhi. It is also one of the important contents of our country's 12 th five-year plan. As an important comprehensive economic center in China, Shanghai has the advantages of promoting the agglomeration of enterprise R & D institutions. After more than ten years of development, Shanghai is promoting the agglomeration of enterprise R & D institutions. Remarkable achievements have been made in the development of the R & D industry. Shanghai's future development is to strive to become an industrial innovation and R & D center for the Asia-Pacific region and even for global international industries. This is not only Shanghai's active response to the trend of R & D internationalization and globalization, It is also in line with the long-term goals and strategic choices of Shanghai's economic and social development. This paper attempts to analyze the current situation and characteristics of Shanghai's R & D industry on the basis of scholars' research. Through 1016 R & D institutions, R & D enterprises, The research found that Shanghai R & D industry cluster has gone through three stages: the first stage: space piling up stage, the second stage: steady development stage. The third stage: research and development industry collection. The stage of specialization and functionalization of the group. Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, The Shanghai R & D industry of such high-tech parks as Caohejing High-Tech Development Zone, Zizhu Science Park and Hongqiao Economic and technological Development Zone presents the embryonic form of cluster development. The spatial development types of Shanghai R & D industry are divided into three types: one is the policy-oriented mode based on the government, the other is the cooperative network model based on cooperation, and the third is the spontaneous mode based on the market orientation. It is found that the internal mechanism of the growth of Shanghai R & D industry cluster is market mechanism, agglomeration economic mechanism, cooperative competition mechanism and innovation mechanism, in which innovation mechanism is the core. Government and other external mechanisms also play an important role in the growth of industrial clusters.


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