2013 5 May. ,2013 年 月 语言文字应用 2 Applied Linguistics No. 2 第 期 试论国民语言能力与人力资源强国* 张先亮 赵 思思 321004 浙江师范大学语言研究所 浙江 金华 [ ] , 摘要 文章首先对国民语言能力这一概念作出界定 认为它分为基础的听说读 , ; 写能力和语言的文明诚信能力 并对我国目前国民语言能力的现状进行了分析 其次 , ; 介绍人力资源的概念 分析目前我国人力资源的现状以及人力资源强国的建设目标 , 接下来指出国民语言能力与人力资源强国的关系 认为国民语言能力是人力资源的 , , ; 重要组成部分 要建设一个人力资源强国 就必须提高我国国民的语言能力 最后就 如何提高国民语言能力提出了相应的对策。 [ ] ; ; 关键词 国民 语言能力 人力资源 [ ]H002 [ ]A [ ]1003-5397 20 13 02-0002-08 中图分类号 文献标识码 文章编号 Study on National Language Ability and Building Strong Human Resources ZHANG Xianliang ,ZHA O Sisi Abstract :The paper first defined the concept of national language ability which includes two parts and analyzed present status of our national language ability. Then it proceeded to explain the concept of human resources ,analyzed its current situation in China and introduced the goal of building a powerful nation of human resources. Then , the paper investigated the relationship between national language ability and a powerful nation of human resources. It holds the view that national language ability is a critical part of human resources and plays an important role in building a powerful nation of human resource. Finally ,we proposed some strategies on how to improve national language ability. Keywords :subject ;language ability ;human resource [ ]2012 - 10 - 16 收稿日期 [ ] ,, , 、 ; , 作者简介