面向制造单元的生产计划研究 学 校:上海交通大学 院 系:机械与动力工程学院 工程领域:工业工程 交大导师:王丽亚 教授 企业导师:赵厚健 教授级高工 工程硕士:鹿民涛 学 号: 10座机电话号码 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 2007 年5 月
上海交通大学硕士论文 摘 要 The Research on Product ion Planning for Manufacturing Ce lls Abstract The external market environment changed rapidly since last 80's. our country has gradually transited to the market economy time from the past planned economy time and walking into the world stage gradually.. How a enterprise can achieve that satisfying the customerís demand at
the lowest cost and least time by organizing production and management
scientifically under limited production capacity 、consummating enterprise
production plan system. I do the following things base on former research by others: 1、Setting reasonable cell production management organization structure
and the production planning system, finding out the workshop production
management actuality from aspects influence the production control which
are the management system, the goods in process and the semi-manufactured
goods management, the delivery and the customerís product order demand,
the production plan model as well as the computer aided management and so
on 。evaluating different plan by making use of some mathematical instrument
i.e. the linear programming law, the obj ect function is the lowest production
cost, the constraint condition includes the production efficiency, delivery date
and quantity, production capacity, the stocks and so on, optimizing a period of
the production plan by the linear programming model, and adj usting the
arrangement in time by the model when there is customer