本文选题:机械制造业 切入点:国有企业 出处:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:绩效管理是人力资源管理的主要内容之一,将绩效管理与企业战略紧密结合,使企业战略分解到每个员工,不仅能够让工的工作成果可衡量并且能够引导员工向公司需要的方向发展,同时企业能够发现优秀的员工。所以如何将公司战略与员工业绩紧密挂钩、员工业绩如何合理的评估就成为管理者必须解决的首要问题。本文以SR公司现行的绩效管理体系作为研究对象,从企业全面绩效管理等多维度进行了系统分析,提出了SR公司薪酬管理体系存在的问题和不足。 本文首先从SR公司远期战略的角度出发,结合公司人力资源发展战略,分析了公司目前绩效管理中的不足。其次,通过对公司绩效管理中存在问题的分析,确定了从关键业绩指标、过程管理、员工成长、质量监察等四各维度对公司、部门及员工的业绩进行考评。再次,结合SR公司的实际和行业发展水平,遵循绩效管理体系设计的原理和方法,通过定量和定性相结合的方法,设计出符合企业远期发展战略的新的绩效管理体系。最后,,为了新的绩效管理体系能够在公司有效的实施,并为公司战略的实现发挥有效作用,从公司内部管理水平的提升及外部专家的引入方面采取保障措施,从而确保SR公司绩效管理体系的有效运行和良性发展。 本文试图通过科学规划、合理优化SR公司的绩效体系来激励员工,增强员工工作的积极性和主动性,激发他们的工作热情和潜能,为SR公司实现长远发展战略提供智力支持。鉴于绩效管理体系设计是现代企业研究的难点问题,机械制造企业中的其他公司也会遇到类似的问题,因此期望通过本文能够为其他有类似问题或相同背景的企业提供一些有用的借鉴和参考。
[Abstract]:Performance management is one of the main contents of human resource management. Not only can the work result be measurable and guide the employee to the direction the company needs, but also the enterprise can find the excellent employee. So how to link the company strategy with the employee performance closely, How to evaluate the employee's performance reasonably becomes the most important problem that managers must solve. This paper takes the current performance management system of SR Company as the research object and makes a systematic analysis from the multi-dimension of the enterprise's overall performance management. The problems and shortcomings of SR compensation management system are put forward. Firstly, from the perspective of SR company's long-term strategy, combined with the company's human resource development strategy, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the company's current performance management, and secondly, through the analysis of the existing problems in the company's performance management, From the key performance indicators, process management, staff growth, quality monitoring and other four dimensions to evaluate the performance of the company, departments and employees. Again, combined with SR company's actual and industry development level, In accordance with the principles and methods of performance management system design, a new performance management system is designed according to the long-term development strategy of enterprises through the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. In order that the new performance management system can be implemented effectively in the company and play an effective role in the realization of the company strategy, the measures should be taken to improve the internal management level of the company and the introduction of external experts. So as to ensure the effective operation and healthy development of SR performance management system. Through scientific planning, this paper tries to optimize the performance system of SR Company to encourage employees, enhance their enthusiasm and initiative, and stimulate their enthusiasm and potential. Providing intellectual support for SR's long-term development strategy. Since the design of performance management systems is a difficult issue for modern enterprises, other companies in machinery manufacturing enterprises will encounter similar problems. Therefore, it is expected that this paper can provide some useful reference for other enterprises with similar problems or the same background.
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