[Abstract]:Project social and economic evaluation is an important part of project management. Through economic evaluation, uncertainty analysis and national economic evaluation, project operation risk can be reduced and reliable investment basis can be provided for decision makers. In order to ensure the smooth operation of the project and achieve good economic benefits. In order to promote economic development and improve people's living standards, Weifang proposed the construction of the Kite du fashion clothing city project. However, at present, the economic benefits of many clothing city projects are not good, and the low level of repeated construction results in enterprises living beyond their means. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the construction of fashion clothing city project in Weifang city. On the basis of expounding the meaning, characteristics, principles and methods of the social and economic evaluation of the project, this paper analyzes the contents and indicators of the social and economic evaluation of the project, and divides the content of the evaluation of the project into the evaluation of the financial benefits of the project. The social benefit evaluation, the environmental benefit evaluation and the project risk evaluation of the project are described in detail in order to make the social and economic evaluation of the construction project of Kite fashion clothing city go on smoothly. Based on the above theoretical basis and evaluation methods, this paper focuses on the social and economic evaluation of the Kite fashion clothing city project. Kite du fashion clothing city project is located in the administrative, commercial and port core position of Weifang development zone. It occupies an important position in the planning of the development zone. The total planning area of the project is 60855.52 m2, and the underground building area is 8000 m2. The social and economic evaluation results of this project are as follows: financial benefit: total investment internal rate of return (after income tax) is 14.11 and financial net present value after income tax is 37.23 million yuan. After all the investment income tax, the financial internal rate of return is higher than 8, the financial net present value is greater than zero, and the financial profitability of the project meets the requirements. Social benefits: the completion of the project will help to improve local residents' income, absorb labor force, improve the quality of life; will also attract a large number of commercial and financial enterprises to stay, increase the Weifang Binhai Economic Development Zone of the financial and tax. Environmental benefits: the completion of the project will help to improve the environmental landscape around the project and greatly improve the regional outlook. However, due to the lack of high-level overall planning for 89% of the garment city projects in China, and the large number of low level repeated construction projects, the development enterprises often live beyond their means, and there are also great construction risks and operational risks for clothing city projects. The research in this paper has provided the meaningful reference value for the Kite fashion clothing city project.
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7 张s,