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发布时间:2018-07-20 18:35
【摘要】:20世纪80年代以来,跨国公司对中国汽车产业进行了大规模、系统化的直接投资,跨国公司直接投资对中国汽车产业的影响也日益显著。跨国公司从股份、管理和技术等方面参与到我国汽车生产、销售的各个环节中。与此同时,汽车产业作为一个资本密集型和技术密集型共存的行业,对它的研究对于我国引进FDI具有代表性。我国政府亦将汽车工业定为国家支柱产业,把鼓励汽车及零部件出口定为汽车工业的重点发展方向。我国汽车产业已经成长为国民经济重要的支柱产业,产业体量大,产业链长,在保持国民经济平稳较快的增长中,已成为不可或缺的组成部分。“十二五”是我国从汽车大国转为汽车强国的重要关键期,汽车产业要实现以汽车强国建设为核心,以结构调整和资源优化配置为主线,以节能与新能源汽车发展为突破口,以对外开放和自主创新为手段的战略目标。因此在“十二五”期间,积极营造促进汽车产业发展的政策环境、创新环境、市场环境,全面提升中国汽车产业的国际竞争力,显得尤为重要。在此背景下,分析FDI对我国汽车产业的影响对促进汽车制造业的发展,实现汽车工业的战略目标,也具有很大的必要性。 我国汽车产业的发展以83年为分界线,83年以前我国汽车产业以国有化为主。在此期间,我国虽然建立了门类比较齐全的汽车工业体系但整体实力偏弱,产品结构也极为不合理,轿车和重型汽车的发展十分缓慢,更不用说在产品设计、生产技术方面的发展。汽车产品的开发和销售等各个环节带有十分浓厚的计划经济色彩。随着改革开放,我国计划经济体制模式被打破,开始实行以市场换技术,以市场换资本的战略。1984年我国第一家汽车合资企业北京吉普汽车有限公司的建立标志着我国汽车行业引进FDI正式开始。随着改革开放进一步深化和发展,我国汽车行业也不断扩大了与外资合作的范围和深度,逐渐接触和吸收到了西方国家先进的生产技术,FDI对我国汽车行业的投资步伐明显加快。加入世界贸易组织后,我国的汽车产业面临了前所未有的挑战和冲击,经过十多年的经营和发展,我国的汽车产业生产格局和产业结构都得到了优化,整个汽车产业链得到了很大程度的提升,自主研发能力不断提高,自主品牌的市场占有率也不断扩大,整个行业得到了长足的进步。 根据垄断优势理论、产品生命周期理论和边际产业扩展理论,发达国家的跨国公司为了获得更多的垄断利益必然采取向国外市场投资。而这种为了获得自身利益的投资也对我国汽车产业的发展起到了促进作用。在外商进入后我国汽车产业市场结构、产业结构更为合理,技术水平和国际竞争力得到很大程度的提高,同时汽车行业人力资本也得到有效的积累。文章依据外资进入我国的发展历程,从不同方面分析了FDI对我国汽车行业的推动作用,肯定了FDI在我国汽车产业的结构升级和竞争力增强方面的积极作用。然而,在引进FDI过程中也存在许多的问题,FDI的引进没有达到起初“以市场换技术”的理想效果。尤其在面对外在条件改变和外资企图进一步深入我国汽车行业时,我国的汽车企业显得有些无法应对,对下步的结果充满疑虑,我国汽车产业处于大而不强的劣势中。“十二五”规划对我国汽车产业的发展提出了很高的期许。汽车产业需要切实转变发展方式、实现结构调整来适应环境的变化和更长远的发展。文章针对我国汽车产业引进FDI过程中面临的问题,提出了相应的政策建议。文章主要分为以下七章。 第一章:导论,主要提出本文的研究背景、研究意义、研究的思路和内容、研究方法以及研究中的创新和可能的不足。 第二章:文献综述,主要是针对文章涉及的垄断优势理论、产品生命周期理论、边际产业扩展理论和内部化理论等相关理论进行梳理,然后通过分析国内外学者对于文章研究课题的成果,总结出文章的研究思路。 第三章:中国汽车产业的发展历程基本分析,第一部分分析我国引进FDI前汽车产业的发展状况,通过数据分析得出我国汽车产业引进FDI前存在市场集中度过低、规模效应无法实现和产品结构单一以货车和客车为主的状况;第二部分通过对中国引进FDI历程的描述,分三个阶段分析我国利用FDI的过程,从1983年开始我国在引进FDI的规模和质量方面都有所提升,分别于1994年和2001年后达到新的高度;第三部分引进FDI后我国汽车产业的发展状况分析,通过与引进FDI前的数据对比,发现引进FDI后我国汽车行业的市场集中度有所提高、规模效应也初步显现、产品结构得到改善,大多知名的汽车生产厂商都投入到我国的汽车产业中,寻找自己的市场领域。 第四章:中国汽车产业引进FDI的效应分析,从市场结构、产品结构、技术溢出效应、人力资本效应和国际竞争力五个方面进行分析。从市场结构分析,FDI促进我国汽车产业市场集中度提高和规模效应的实现,同时提升了我国汽车行业的进入壁垒;从产品结构分析,FDI优化我国汽车行业的产品结构,提高产品差异化,并且促进汽车相关上下游产业产品的发展:从技术溢出效应分析,FDI促进我国汽车产品国有化率的提高,同时带动了我国汽车产业研发和技术水平的提升;在人力资本效应方面,FDI为我国培养了大批科研技术人才,有利于我国汽车产业的长期发展;从国际竞争力出发,FDI进入后我国汽车产品在国际市场上的份额逐步提高,贸易能力也得到进一步提升。 第五章:我国汽车产业引进FDI过程中的隐患及不足,第一部分分析了我国汽车产业的股比政策受到外资企业的挑战,股比有放开的威胁性;第二部分分析跨国公司在我国汽车市场垄断现象严重,对我国本土汽车企业形成了挤出效应,长期来看不利于我国汽车产业发展;第三部分分析跨国公司对核心技术进行严密保护,导致在引进FDI过程中我国汽车企业所获得的均是一些二、三流的技术无法实质性提高我国汽车产业的竞争力;第四部分从我国本土汽车企业的吸收能力出发,分析得出目前我国汽车企业对外国公司依赖性过高,并且针对技术创新的投入过低,主观和客观上都无法很好的对外国先进技术进行吸收消化和创新;第五部分分析了我国汽车企业的定位问题,汽车企业在进行产品上探的同时,对自己具有优势的领域却有些失守。 第六章:有效利用FDI的政策建议,从政府、市场和企业三个层面出发提出可行有效的政策建议。1、从加强政府调控、鼓励多元化引进外资和打造民族品牌三个方面出发有效利用FDI改善市场结构;2、通过兼并重组促进规模经济形成;3、从完善创新体系建设和政策支持、加强企业自主研发、提高企业学习能力三个方面出发加强企业技术优势;4、从吸收人才、留住人才、培养人才和人才交流机制等方面提高人力资源开发能力;5、我国汽车企业在进行产品定位时,要在保证住自己中低档产品优势领域的同时,再去兼顾高端领域的开发,同时要重视国外市场上汽车后市场的维护和建立。 第七章:研究结论,综合文章主要结论性观点。 以往大多数文章关于FDI对汽车产业的影响研究侧重于其中的某一方面,或是仅仅对效应进行分析,没有结合我国的政策和环境因素的变化以及我国汽车企业自身市场定位方面进行有效阐述。本文在对FDI进行效应分析分基础上,结合我国汽车产业目前的发展状况和产业政策的要求,对我国汽车产业在引进FDI过程中面临的问题进行探讨;并在分析问题的基础上,从政府、市场和企业三个不同层面,为我国汽车产业引进FDI和汽车产业长远的发展提供有效的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Since 1980s, MNCs have carried out large-scale, systematic and direct investment to the Chinese automobile industry, and the impact of TNCs on China's auto industry is becoming more and more significant. Transnational corporations have participated in the various links of automobile production and sales in China from the aspects of shares, management and technology. For an industry with capital intensive and technology intensive coexistence, the research on it is representative of the introduction of FDI in China. Our government also defines the automobile industry as the national pillar industry, and encourages the export of automobile and spare parts as the key development direction of the automobile industry. China's auto industry has grown into an important pillar of the national economy. Industry, large amount of industry, long industry chain, has become an indispensable part in maintaining a steady and fast growth of the national economy. "12th Five-Year" is an important key period for China to turn from a big car country to a powerful automobile power. The automobile industry should take the construction of a powerful automobile power as the core, with the structure adjustment and the optimal allocation of resources as the main line. In the "12th Five-Year", it is particularly important to create a policy environment for promoting the development of the automobile industry, the environment of innovation, the market environment, and the overall promotion of the international competitiveness of China's auto industry. In this context, the analysis of FDI The impact on China's automobile industry is also necessary for promoting the development of the automobile industry and realizing the strategic goal of the automobile industry.
The development of China's auto industry is divided into 83 years. 83 years ago, China's auto industry was mainly nationalized. During this period, China has established a relatively complete auto industry system, but the overall strength is weak, the product structure is extremely unreasonable, the development of cars and heavy cars is very slow, let alone product design and production. The development of technology. The development and sales of automobile products and other links with a very strong planning and economic color. With the reform and opening up, China's planned economic system model has been broken, starting to implement the market exchange technology, the market for capital in the strategic.1984 year of China's first automobile joint venture Beijing JEP Motor Co. The establishment of the automobile industry in China is a symbol of the formal beginning of the introduction of FDI. With the further deepening and development of the reform and opening up, China's auto industry has also expanded the scope and depth of cooperation with foreign capital, gradually contacted and absorbed the advanced production technology in western countries, and the investment pace of FDI in China's auto industry was obviously accelerated. After organizing, the automobile industry of our country is faced with unprecedented challenges and shocks. After more than 10 years of operation and development, the production pattern and industrial structure of our automobile industry have been optimized, the whole automobile industry chain has been greatly improved, the ability of independent research and development is not broken, and the market share of independent brand is expanding. Big, the whole industry has made great progress.
According to the theory of monopoly advantage, the theory of product life cycle and the theory of marginal industry expansion, the multinational corporations in developed countries are bound to invest in foreign markets in order to gain more monopoly interests. And this kind of investment in order to gain their own interests also plays a promotion role in the development of our automobile industry. The industrial structure, the industrial structure is more reasonable, the technical level and the international competitiveness have been greatly improved, and the human capital of the automobile industry has also been effectively accumulated. This article, based on the development process of foreign capital entering China, analyzes the role of FDI in the automobile industry in China from different aspects and affirms that FDI is in China's automobile production. However, there are many problems in the introduction of the FDI process. The introduction of FDI has not reached the ideal effect of "market exchange" at first. Especially when the conditions are changed and the foreign capital is trying to further deepen the automobile industry in our country, the automobile enterprises of our country appear to be some Unable to cope with, the result of the next step is full of doubt, China's auto industry is in a big and not strong disadvantage. "12th Five-Year" plan put forward a high expectation for the development of China's auto industry. The auto industry needs to change the way of development, realize structural adjustment to adapt to the change of the environment and more long-term development. In the process of introducing FDI, the paper puts forward corresponding policy recommendations. The article is divided into seven chapters.
Chapter 1: introduction, mainly presenting the research background, research significance, research ideas and contents, research methods, innovation and possible deficiencies in the research.
The second chapter: literature review, mainly in view of the theory of monopoly advantage, the theory of product life cycle, the theory of marginal industry expansion and the theory of internalization, and then analyze the research ideas of the article through the analysis of the achievements of scholars at home and abroad on the subject of the article.
The third chapter: the basic analysis of the development process of China's auto industry. The first part analyses the development status of the automobile industry before the introduction of FDI in China. Through the data analysis, it is concluded that the market concentration is low, the scale effect can not be realized before the introduction of FDI in China's auto industry and the state of the single product structure is dominated by freight cars and buses; the second part is the main part of the automobile industry. Through the description of the introduction of China's FDI process, the process of China's use of FDI is analyzed in three stages. From 1983, the scale and quality of the introduction of FDI have been improved, respectively, in 1994 and 2001, respectively. After the introduction of the third part, the development of China's automobile industry is analyzed, through the introduction of FDI before the introduction of FDI. According to the data comparison, it is found that after the introduction of FDI, the market concentration of China's auto industry has been improved, the scale effect is also preliminarily revealed, the product structure has been improved, and most of the well-known automobile manufacturers have been put into the automobile industry in our country to find their own market areas.
The fourth chapter: analysis of the effect of the introduction of FDI in China's auto industry, from five aspects of market structure, product structure, technology spillover effect, human capital effect and international competitiveness. From the analysis of market structure, FDI promotes the improvement of the market concentration and the realization of scale effect in China's auto industry, and promotes the progress of China's auto industry. From the product structure analysis, FDI optimizes the product structure of our automobile industry, improves the product differentiation, and promotes the development of automobile related upstream and downstream products. From the analysis of the technology spillover effect, FDI promotes the increase of the nationalization rate of the automobile products in China, and promotes the improvement of the R & D and technical level of the automobile industry in our country. In terms of the effect of human capital, FDI has trained a large number of scientific and technological talents for our country, which is conducive to the long-term development of China's auto industry. From the international competitiveness, after the entry of FDI, the share of China's auto products in the international market has been gradually increased and the trade ability has been further promoted.
The fifth chapter: the hidden dangers and shortcomings in the process of the introduction of FDI in China's auto industry. The first part analyses that the share ratio policy of the automobile industry in China is challenged by foreign enterprises, and the shares are more threatening than the other. The second part analyses the serious monopoly phenomenon of the transnational corporations in the automobile market in our country, and the extrusion effect has been formed for the local auto enterprises in our country. In the long run, it is not conducive to the development of China's auto industry. The third part analyses the strict protection of the core technology by multinational companies, which leads to the two of the automobile enterprises in the process of introducing FDI, and the three flow technology can not substantially improve the competitiveness of our automobile industry; the fourth part is from the local auto enterprises in our country. On the basis of the ability to collect, it is concluded that China's automobile enterprises are too high on foreign companies, and the investment in technology innovation is too low. Both subjective and objective can not absorb and innovate the foreign advanced technology well. The fifth part analyses the positioning problem of the automobile enterprises in our country. At the same time, they have lost some of their advantages.
The sixth chapter: the effective use of FDI policy recommendations, from the government, market and enterprise three levels to put forward feasible and effective policy recommendations.1, from the strengthening of government regulation, encouraging diversification of the introduction of foreign investment and building national brand three aspects of the effective use of FDI to improve the market structure; 2, through merger and reorganization to promote the formation of economies of scale; 3, Improve the construction of innovation system and policy support, strengthen the independent research and development of enterprises, improve the learning ability of enterprises in three aspects, strengthen the technological advantages of enterprises; 4, improve the ability of human resources development from the absorption of talents, retention of talents, training of talents and personnel exchange mechanism, and 5, China's auto enterprises should guarantee the product positioning. While living in the field of low-grade products, we should also take into account the development of high-end areas, while paying attention to the maintenance and establishment of the post market in foreign markets.
The seventh chapter: the conclusion of the study and the main conclusions of the article.
Most of the previous articles about the impact of FDI on the automobile industry are focused on one of the aspects, or only analysis of the effects, not combining the changes of our country's policies and environmental factors and the market positioning of our automobile enterprises. This paper is based on the analysis of the effect of FDI. The current development situation of the national automobile industry and the requirements of industrial policy are discussed in the process of the introduction of FDI in the process of introducing the automobile industry in China. On the basis of the analysis of the problems, from the three different levels of the government, the market and the enterprises, the effective policy suggestions for the introduction of FDI and the long-term development of the automobile industry are provided for the automobile industry in China.


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