[Abstract]:Small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) are the most dynamic and important part of our economy. However, with the continuous spread of the impact of the international financial crisis on the real economy, small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises are facing unprecedented difficulties. A large number of business practices show that the use of e-commerce means can help small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises to create more business opportunities, while the risk of channel conflict is also increasing. How to better manage channel conflicts and coordinate the relationship between traditional channels and online direct marketing channels has become the problem that small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises must solve to carry out double-channel marketing. Starting from three different rights structures faced by small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, this paper adopts the research method of combining mathematical model with multi-agent simulation technology, and combines the influence of product purchase participation degree on market demand. Firstly, the pricing decision model is constructed, which is coordinated to two channels under different rights structure, and the sensitivity of the parameters is analyzed to reveal the influence of the different rights structure and the change of market environment parameters on the double-channel marketing pricing strategy of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. Then using multi-agent simulation technology and StarLogo simulation platform to simulate the enterprise dynamic decision-making process in three kinds of decision-making situations to further reveal the change mechanism and strategy adjustment track of the decision-making behavior of each member of the two channels. The purpose of this paper is to provide a decision reference for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises to formulate double-channel pricing strategy, and to help small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises to improve the effectiveness and stability of double-channel operation. The research in this paper shows that when manufacturers are dominant and the rights of manufacturers and retailers are equal, the degree of product purchase participation has a negative effect on the prices of direct selling channel products, but has a positive impact on the prices of traditional channel products. When the manufacturer occupies a non-dominant position, the degree of product purchase participation still has a positive impact on the price of traditional channel products, but the direct selling channel product pricing is affected by the degree of product purchase participation and the price discount simultaneously. And the dual channel operation in this situation can make the members of the channel obtain the best income.
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