[Abstract]:Construction industry occupies a more and more important position in the development of our national economy. Building information model (Building Information Modeling, BIM) technology has been widely accepted by the construction industry at home and abroad, but its application effect in practical engineering is not ideal. From the point of view of absorptive capacity, this paper regards BIM technology as a kind of technological innovation behavior, and studies the influence of absorptive capacity on BIM technological innovation. This paper puts forward five dimensions of absorptive capacity, such as knowledge identification, acquisition, digestion, utilization and elimination, and analyzes five factors that affect the performance of BIM technology innovation of construction enterprises in China: organizational learning, absorptive capacity, and enterprise scale. The nature of the enterprise and the business attributes of the enterprise, and put forward the relevant research hypotheses of this paper. The conceptual model of the influence of absorptive capacity on BIM technology innovation is constructed by means of structural equation model. The hypothesis and model are tested by using SPSS and Amos software. The relationship between each dimension of absorptive capacity and its influence on BIM technology innovation and its effect are obtained, and the results are analyzed. Some practical suggestions and suggestions are put forward to promote the application effect of BIM technology innovation in construction enterprises of our country, which can guide enterprises to formulate knowledge strategy and competitive strategy. Through the investigation of the current situation of absorptive capacity, organizational learning and BIM technological innovation performance of construction enterprises in China (mainly in survey and design and construction general contracting enterprises), the research sample data are obtained. Through the hypothesis test and model fitting of the structural equation model, the influence relation and effect among the variables are obtained: knowledge identification, knowledge acquisition, knowledge digestion and knowledge utilization. Knowledge digestion has an impact on knowledge removal, and each dimension together constitutes the absorptive capacity of enterprises; knowledge identification, knowledge digestion, knowledge digestion, The four absorptive abilities of knowledge utilization and knowledge removal have different direct positive effects on the performance of BIM technology innovation, knowledge acquisition has no direct influence on BIM technology innovation, but its total effect value is higher. Organizational learning has a direct positive impact on BIM technological innovation, and the ability of knowledge digestion and knowledge utilization can indirectly affect enterprise BIM technology innovation by influencing organizational learning ability. By using the group model in the structural equation model, the adjustment effects of the three regulating variables, namely, the nature of the industry, the size of the enterprise and the ownership of the business, are tested. The results show that the size and nature of enterprises regulate the relationship between knowledge identification and the performance of BIM technology innovation, and the business attributes of enterprises regulate the relationship between knowledge utilization and the performance of BIM technology innovation.
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