发布时间:2019-01-20 12:27
【摘要】:石油产业属于国民经济中的基础性产业,对一国社会经济的发展起着强大的支撑、带动和辐射作用。从1949年新中国成立初步建立我国石油工业体系到现在,我国石油产业经历了从无到有、从小到大的历史蜕变。特别是1998年以来,政府在石油行业实施了一系列改革与改组,收获了不少的成效。然而,石油行业长期存在的效率低下问题和垄断经营格局始终未变,市场作为资源配置的主体地位仍未建立,市场在资源配置上的基础性作用远未得到充分发挥,石油行业中的问题依旧重重。 长期以来,基于石油产业规模经济效应的考虑,学者多认为石油行业属于自然垄断行业。但是在我国,石油行业一直处于政府的严格管控之下,是由政府一手塑造发展起来的。政府在石油行业颁布实施的诸多妨碍、限制市场竞争的法律法规构成了有利于形成垄断的制度,加之政府在石油行业自上而下开展的一系列重组与改革,从而促成了如今石油行业三分天下的寡头垄断格局,因此,石油行业的垄断带有浓郁的行政垄断色彩。 目前,有关石油行业行政垄断问题的研究并不多见并且存在较大的分歧,本文运用文献研究法和比较研究法,对石油行业行政垄断的现实危害进行了具体分析。文章第一章主要介绍了研究背景及意义,第二章对国内外研究现状进行了梳理,第三章分析了石油行业的市场结构,结合石油行业的历史沿革及垄断格局的形成过程,证明石油行业的寡头垄断实质上属于行政垄断,第四章着重分析石油行业行政垄断导致的现实危害,证明在行政垄断之下,石油行业的市场竞争受到了不当限制与排斥,垄断石油集团的特权不断膨胀,行政力量代替市场配置资源,导致市场被扭曲,石油行业行政垄断造成了诸多的危害,例如:垄断石油集团经营绩效低下,缺乏国际竞争力;民营石油企业举步维艰,大批倒闭;石油行业整体效率低下;油价居高不下,涨多跌少,油荒持续存在;垄断石油集团高利润、高收入、高福利,行业收入差距增大;行政垄断破坏社会公正等等。基于对上述危害的认识,第五章提出从区分垄断性业务与竞争性业务、引入竞争机制、提高政府机构规制效率等方面尝试破除行政垄断。
[Abstract]:The petroleum industry is a basic industry in the national economy, which plays a strong supporting role in the development of a country's social economy. From the founding of New China in 1949 to the establishment of China's petroleum industry system, China's petroleum industry has undergone a historical transformation from scratch to existence and from small to large. Especially since 1998, the government has implemented a series of reforms and reshuffles in the petroleum industry, with many achievements. However, the long-standing problems of low efficiency and monopoly in the petroleum industry have not changed, the market as the main body of resource allocation has not been established, and the fundamental role of the market in the allocation of resources has not been fully brought into play. Problems remain in the oil industry. For a long time, considering the scale economy effect of petroleum industry, many scholars think that petroleum industry belongs to natural monopoly industry. But in our country, the petroleum industry has been under the strict control of the government, which has been shaped and developed by the government. Many laws and regulations that hinder the government's promulgation and implementation of the petroleum industry and limit market competition constitute a system conducive to the formation of a monopoly, coupled with a series of restructuring and reforms carried out by the government in the oil industry from top to bottom. Therefore, the monopoly of petroleum industry has strong administrative monopoly color. At present, the research on the administrative monopoly of petroleum industry is rare and there are great differences. This paper makes a concrete analysis of the actual harm of the administrative monopoly of petroleum industry by using the method of literature research and comparative study. The first chapter mainly introduces the research background and significance, the second chapter combs the domestic and foreign research status, the third chapter analyzes the market structure of the petroleum industry, combined with the history of the oil industry and the formation process of the monopoly pattern. It is proved that the oligopoly in the petroleum industry belongs to the administrative monopoly in essence. The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the actual harm caused by the administrative monopoly in the petroleum industry, and proves that under the administrative monopoly, the market competition in the petroleum industry has been improperly restricted and excluded. The monopoly oil group's privilege expands unceasingly, the administrative power replaces the market allocation resources, causes the market to be distorted, the petroleum profession administrative monopoly has caused many harm, for example: the monopoly petroleum group management performance is low, lacks the international competitive power; Private oil enterprises are struggling and closing down in large numbers; the overall efficiency of the oil industry is low; the oil price is high, rising and falling little, the oil shortage is persistent; the monopoly oil group has high profit, high income, high welfare, and the income gap of the industry is increasing; Administrative monopoly undermines social justice and so on. Based on the understanding of the above harm, the fifth chapter proposes to try to break down the administrative monopoly from distinguishing monopoly business from competitive business, introducing competition mechanism, improving the efficiency of government regulation and so on.
[Abstract]:The petroleum industry is a basic industry in the national economy, which plays a strong supporting role in the development of a country's social economy. From the founding of New China in 1949 to the establishment of China's petroleum industry system, China's petroleum industry has undergone a historical transformation from scratch to existence and from small to large. Especially since 1998, the government has implemented a series of reforms and reshuffles in the petroleum industry, with many achievements. However, the long-standing problems of low efficiency and monopoly in the petroleum industry have not changed, the market as the main body of resource allocation has not been established, and the fundamental role of the market in the allocation of resources has not been fully brought into play. Problems remain in the oil industry. For a long time, considering the scale economy effect of petroleum industry, many scholars think that petroleum industry belongs to natural monopoly industry. But in our country, the petroleum industry has been under the strict control of the government, which has been shaped and developed by the government. Many laws and regulations that hinder the government's promulgation and implementation of the petroleum industry and limit market competition constitute a system conducive to the formation of a monopoly, coupled with a series of restructuring and reforms carried out by the government in the oil industry from top to bottom. Therefore, the monopoly of petroleum industry has strong administrative monopoly color. At present, the research on the administrative monopoly of petroleum industry is rare and there are great differences. This paper makes a concrete analysis of the actual harm of the administrative monopoly of petroleum industry by using the method of literature research and comparative study. The first chapter mainly introduces the research background and significance, the second chapter combs the domestic and foreign research status, the third chapter analyzes the market structure of the petroleum industry, combined with the history of the oil industry and the formation process of the monopoly pattern. It is proved that the oligopoly in the petroleum industry belongs to the administrative monopoly in essence. The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the actual harm caused by the administrative monopoly in the petroleum industry, and proves that under the administrative monopoly, the market competition in the petroleum industry has been improperly restricted and excluded. The monopoly oil group's privilege expands unceasingly, the administrative power replaces the market allocation resources, causes the market to be distorted, the petroleum profession administrative monopoly has caused many harm, for example: the monopoly petroleum group management performance is low, lacks the international competitive power; Private oil enterprises are struggling and closing down in large numbers; the overall efficiency of the oil industry is low; the oil price is high, rising and falling little, the oil shortage is persistent; the monopoly oil group has high profit, high income, high welfare, and the income gap of the industry is increasing; Administrative monopoly undermines social justice and so on. Based on the understanding of the above harm, the fifth chapter proposes to try to break down the administrative monopoly from distinguishing monopoly business from competitive business, introducing competition mechanism, improving the efficiency of government regulation and so on.
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