本文选题:晋江 + 社会救济制度 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:A country's social security system consists of three parts: social insurance system, social relief system and social welfare system. In these three systems, social relief is the cornerstone of social security and the lowest limit of social security. With the development of economy and society, our government's financial expenditure is more and more important to social relief, and social relief has become a basic function of our government. The construction of a sound social relief system is the premise of a sound and effective operation of the social relief system. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the implementation effect of the current social relief system for improving the social relief system and promoting the operation of our socialist harmonious society. On the basis of summing up and comparing the different theories about social relief at home and abroad, this paper draws on the advanced experience of social relief at home and abroad. At the same time, combined with the implementation of the minimum guarantee system in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, this paper explores the problems and shortcomings of the social relief system in China. This paper takes the coverage, benefit degree and satisfaction degree of social relief as the evaluation index, and finds out the deficiency of the social relief system in Jinjiang through the comparative analysis of different evaluation indexes. And put forward to constantly improve the social relief system under the new urbanization system in Jinjiang, the specific countermeasures include: to improve the coverage of social relief in Jinjiang, first of all, to innovate the social relief model; Secondly, the scope of social relief should be increased; thirdly, the attention of all social circles should be fully mobilized to arouse the enthusiasm of social members to participate. In order to improve the income of social relief in Jinjiang City, first of all, it is necessary to establish a special regulatory body to strengthen the screening and supervision of social relief; secondly, to strengthen the pertinence of relief and to make the special funds available; thirdly, to make clear the responsibility. Ensure the smooth completion of the relief mission. In order to improve the satisfaction degree of social relief in Jinjiang City, first of all, we should improve the standard of relief, improve the quality of relief, and make the relief truly meet the needs of the poor people; secondly, we should constantly broaden the sources of funds, and at the same time, we should make rational use of the funds. Avoid wasting money.
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