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发布时间:2017-12-28 23:21

  本文关键词:思想政治教育视域下的高中生异性交往探究 出处:《苏州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 思想政治教育 高中生 异性交往 同伴共同体

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic globalization, the global exchange of culture is unstoppable. The impact of domestic and international culture and thought, coupled with the popularization of Internet makes information dissemination channels has become increasingly diverse and quickly, and the contemporary high school students are at puberty stage, is undergoing a critical period of physical and mental development, thinking prone to criticism and rebellion, a rebellious behavior of their parents, teachers and society the. Among the problems of puberty, high school students' heterosexual communication is the most easy problem, and it is the most easy to be ignored, misunderstood and mishandled by teachers and parents. Timely education and guidance are bound to affect their life, study and future development. Therefore, it is particularly urgent and necessary to strengthen the education of heterosexual communication and behavior guidance for senior high school students. Based on the characteristics of Ideological and political education, this paper analyzes the current situation of high school students' heterosexual communication in related surveys, and holds that high school students' heterosexual interaction has both positive and negative effects on their learning, physical and mental health and even bitter consequences. At the same time, combined with teaching practice, the reasons and Countermeasures of senior high school students' heterosexual communication problems are analyzed from five perspectives: senior high school students themselves, peer relations, family, school and society. In that specific high school students in the process of communication, high school students to establish a correct concept, follow the appropriate, freedom and responsibility of unity, understanding, respect, trust, tolerance, experience principle, construction of sincere and mutually beneficial peer community, create a good educational environment of home school interaction, optimizing education resources, improve the school education level, create a good society the legal environment, and play the role of the media. It is suggested that we should stimulate positive functions of opposite sex interaction, weaken negative functions, correctly handle the relationship between heterosexual communication and learning, so as to effectively promote the development of physical and mental health of high school students, and promote senior high school students to grow healthily while growing knowledge.


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