本文选题:英语课程标准 切入点:英语教学 出处:《哈尔滨师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the compulsory Education English Curriculum Standard issued by the Ministry of Education in 2011 (hereinafter referred to as "Curriculum Standard 2011"), it is mentioned that the general goal of compulsory education English curriculum is to train students' initial comprehensive language use ability, that is, to train students' language skills. Language knowledge, affective attitude, learning strategy and cultural consciousness are the comprehensive qualities. This study is based on the curriculum objectives of the five aspects listed in the curriculum standard, and investigates the current situation of middle school students' evaluation of English teaching in junior high school by means of investigation. To obtain information, evaluate the achievement of the above five objectives, and then understand the problems existing in the evaluation of English teaching students, and then sum up the problems. The main structure of this paper is divided into five parts: the first part is introduction. This part mainly expounds the reason of selecting the topic, the related concepts, the research summary, and so on, based on "Curriculum 2011", the main structure of this paper is divided into the following five parts: the first part is the introduction. The purpose and significance of the research, the content of the research, The second part "Curriculum objectives and related contents of Curriculum Standard 2011". < Curriculum 2011 > in "Evaluation recommendations" explicitly mentioned: "English curriculum evaluation should be in accordance with the curriculum goals and requirements of this standard," The purpose of this study is to develop evaluation criteria based on the "curriculum objectives and requirements stipulated in the standard". Through the questionnaire survey, the author judges the degree of realization of the curriculum objectives and explores the main problems in the evaluation of English teaching students. It can be said that this research is based on the English curriculum objectives. Therefore, this part focuses on explaining the curriculum objectives and related contents of Curriculum Standard 2011. The third part is a survey of the current situation of middle school students' evaluation of English teaching. This research is mainly an empirical study, and the method of investigation and research is its main research method. Therefore, this part mainly explains and explains the contents of the survey content and questionnaire design idea, investigation object, investigation procedure, data processing, investigation result and so on. 4th part this part aims at the questionnaire survey result, It concludes that there are five problems in student evaluation, that is, neglecting the content of "saying" in the evaluation of language skills, neglecting the evaluation of "function" and "topic" in the evaluation of language knowledge, neglecting the evaluation of interest and confidence in the evaluation of emotion and attitude; The evaluation of learning strategies is not comprehensive, the evaluation of cultural consciousness is ignored, and then the causes of these problems are analyzed. Part 5th puts forward some countermeasures from five aspects in view of the problems existing in the evaluation of English teaching students. That is, to improve teachers' evaluation of students' language skills, to attach importance to the development of students' oral expression ability, to get rid of the concept of "baton" in the evaluation of language knowledge, and to learn language knowledge in an all-round way. In the evaluation of emotion and attitude, we should give full play to students' main position, improve students' interest and confidence in learning English, deepen the guidance of evaluation of students' learning strategies, embody the flexible diversity of English learning strategies, and strengthen teachers' evaluation of students' cultural consciousness. To promote the development of students' intercultural communicative competence.
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