本文选题:初中 切入点:生物 出处:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The biology course has its particularity compared with other basic subjects (such as Chinese, mathematics, English), especially the biology course in junior high school. At present, the examination system is still the baton of school teaching. The status of biology in junior high school is relatively low, and many schools pay less attention to biology. Students and parents showed relaxation in biology class and after class. Although teachers try to make biology class as rich and interesting as possible, students can remember some trivial knowledge points at best. But if you don't review after class, you will soon forget. Only near the final exam review stage, students, parents and class teachers will attach importance to biology study. Therefore, Recitation is a relatively effective and crucial period for biology learning in junior high school. However, due to the limited time of the recitation class, many biology teachers simply list the key points of their knowledge in order to cope with the final exam. Then let the students' mechanical memory, on the one hand, cause the biology review class to be dull and boring, on the other hand, cause the students to understand only at the superficial level. The new curriculum reform outline clearly proposes to cultivate the students' ability to explore, cooperate and innovate. In order to improve students' enthusiasm and initiative in learning, we can cultivate high-quality talents who can learn and innovate and develop. However, the previous teaching mode of biology review classroom obviously can not meet the requirements of the new curriculum reform. Mechanical knowledge accumulation and memory will only weaken students' interest in learning, and can not improve the students' ability in all aspects, which hinders the students' healthy and all-round development, in order to improve the teaching level of biology, To explore a better teaching method of biology review class in junior middle school, I introduce the group cooperative learning advocated by the new curriculum reform into the review course, and adopt different classroom teaching models for the experimental class and the control class. Through experimental data and questionnaire analysis, the corresponding conclusions are drawn. The biology review classroom designed by me for cooperative learning is different according to different types of topics. In this paper, the author mainly lists two kinds of biological review classes. Type of review class model: 1. For the experimental class and for the more understanding of the nature of the curriculum review model 2. Easy to understand but knowledge trivial requirements for the memory of the curriculum review model. These two types of classroom review model is the largest in the class. A cooperative discussion or competition based on the limitation of students' enthusiasm for learning. In addition, In some of the appropriate recitation courses, I have also inserted other forms of cooperative group learning, such as group storytelling, lectures in our group, and so on. In order to make group cooperative learning more flexible and richer. The innovation of this paper is to improve the flexibility of the application of group cooperative learning, according to different curriculum application of different review models, According to different review content application different cooperation style, the group cooperation review class style can be flexible and rich, thus increased the innovation weight, Through the experiment of carrying out group cooperative learning in review class, I found that group cooperative learning has great superiority in many aspects of biology review classroom teaching in junior high school. It is very worth applying and popularizing, but in the process of popularizing and implementing, we need to explore and improve continuously, to study the theory of cooperative learning, to strengthen the teaching practice, and to combine the learning situation of students and the teaching content. To find out suitable for their own junior high school biology review class learning application.
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