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发布时间:2018-03-30 01:17

  本文选题:中小学 切入点:羽毛球 出处:《成都体育学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:School physical education is not only to exercise the body and strengthen the students' physique, but also to cultivate the students' sports consciousness, cultivate their willpower and develop the sports life style. At the same time, school sports is also the process of training and discovering sports talents. Hanzhong, as a medium city in the underdeveloped areas of the west, has always been in a low level of badminton. There is no relevant information on the present situation of badminton teaching in Hanzhong City. Therefore, this study wants to investigate the present situation of badminton in Hanzhong school and its influencing factors. In order to put forward some useful suggestions for the development of badminton sports in Hanzhong school. The existing research on the model of reserve talents is mainly the investigation of the problems of the traditional training mode and the theoretical analysis and discussion of the new model. This research mainly adopts the form of questionnaire, through the survey of 86 teachers, 17 leaders, 498 students and 386 parents of 10 primary schools and 7 middle schools in Hanzhong. This paper probes into the present situation of physical education teaching in primary and middle schools in Hanzhong City and the feasibility of the training mode of reserve talents, which is mainly based on the students and parents. The support of teachers and leaders for school badminton. Because the school training model needs the students to participate, parents, teachers and school leaders to support, so, This study aims to explore the feasibility of school training model by investigating the development of badminton in primary and middle schools in Hanzhong. The article focuses on the present situation, finds problems, puts forward suggestions, and solves the problems, thus laying a foundation for the promotion of badminton in Hanzhong province. To investigate whether students, parents, teachers and leaders are willing to participate in the training of badminton projects, in an effort to popularize the training and teaching of badminton in schools, and to find a new way for the training of sports reserve talents. Badminton curriculum teaching was not carried out in all the schools investigated, and only some schools were prepared to open classes, which were mainly due to the factors of equipment, teachers, leadership attitude, and the feasibility of the model. 63.05% of the students would like to become an athlete, 36.78% of the parents also supported their children's choice, and 57.25% of the parents would like their children to participate in badminton training. Of these, 37.56% of the parents said they could fully fund badminton training for their children. If the state funds the training of badminton in schools, 69.76% of the teachers and 70.58% of the leaders think it is feasible. If the parents pay for the training, 77.90% of the teachers and 58.82% of the leaders indicated that it was feasible. The conclusion shows that the teaching of badminton course in primary and secondary schools in Hanzhong is from the initial stage. The construction of reserve talents and the combination of physical education and education have the support of students, parents, teachers and leaders. It shows that popularization is very feasible.


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