本文选题:多元智能 切入点:地理教学 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The traditional concept of univariate intelligence, which takes logical thinking and language as the core, can no longer meet the needs of the measurement and development of people in the age of quality education. The theory of multiple intelligences put forward by Gardner in the 1980s is not only in line with the requirements of quality education in theory and practice.Moreover, it also brings a new breakthrough to the basic education teaching in the aspects of the change of curriculum goal and idea, the change of learning content and way, the change of evaluation and examination system.Reorienting students' development in high school geography classes, helping students to develop their full scale, maximizing their potential, and helping them to find areas of expertise are new teaching challenges for teachers.This requires teachers to guide students from various channels to analyze geographical knowledge to achieve comprehensive development.The theory of multiple intelligences is not only one of the theoretical bases of the new curriculum reform, but also has certain maneuverability, which plays a practical guiding role in the realization of student-centered geography classroom.This paper tries to find an effective connection point between theory and practice, and develop effective teaching methods and strategies that accord with the characteristics of students' physical and mental development, thus providing effective help for first-line teachers to excavate students' multiple intelligences.Through comparative analysis and a large number of literature reviews, this paper studies how to cultivate multiple intelligences in high school geography classroom teaching, which is based on the related knowledge of psychology, pedagogy and sociology.This paper mainly discusses the ways of cultivating multiple intelligences in high school geography classroom teaching and its practical application.In the way of cultivating multiple intelligences, teachers should develop and apply multiple entry points suitable for intelligent development, pay attention to guiding students to use various kinds of intelligence to think and solve problems, train students' divergent thinking, and deepen pluralistic theory.Teachers should devote themselves to developing the teaching methods of students' multiple intelligences, compare them with the intelligent types, and finally synthesize the teaching objectives and the students' learning conditions, and choose as far as possible the teaching methods which complement the intelligent types designed by the teaching contents.Cultivating multiple intelligences in classroom teaching is not only the requirement of quality education for high school geography classroom teaching, but also the important mission entrusted to it in the era of knowledge economy.
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