本文选题:英语阅读教学 切入点:语法翻译法 出处:《福建师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the international communication becoming more and more frequent, English has become a necessary language for members of various countries to communicate.Therefore, learning English well is the urgent goal of teaching in our country.At the same time, the society also pays great attention to English teaching, but the English level of most students in our country is far from meeting the standard of social need.In English teaching, reading teaching is one of the most important contents, so cultivating students' good reading ability has become an important goal of foreign language teaching in China.Communicative approach and translation approach are the two most important teaching methods in English teaching.However, in the context of examination-oriented education in China, grammar translation has become the best choice for English teachers, and it has always been in a dominant position and cannot be replaced by communicative teaching methods.However, excessive use of grammatical translation methods inevitably leads to a general decline in students' oral communicative competence.Therefore, people began to re-analyze the two teaching methods, especially to explore the integration of the two teaching methods, in order to make the two teaching methods better serve for English teaching.However, most of these studies focus on English learning as a whole, but very few are specific to reading teaching, and the number of empirical studies is even more limited.In high school reading teaching, these two teaching methods both fully show their own unique advantages, but also inevitably have their shortcomings.They can complement each other and form a comprehensive teaching method to meet the needs of students.Therefore, in order to improve the effect of English teaching, the current teaching of English reading in senior high school is facing difficulties and the empirical research on teaching of various teaching methods is not sufficient, in order to improve the effect of English teaching.It is necessary to carry out an empirical study on the combination of various teaching methods in high school English reading teaching.In high school English reading teaching, both translation and communicative teaching methods have their own value.These two teaching methods follow two completely different theories, which, on the face of it, are opposite, but actually complement each other.We can integrate them in classroom English teaching so as to give full play to their effectiveness in classroom teaching.By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods, the author thinks that it is both necessary and possible to combine the two teaching methods to improve students' English reading ability.Based on this belief, the author has designed the experiment of English reading teaching, and tried to combine the two teaching methods in class in order to improve the students' reading ability.
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