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发布时间:2018-04-09 15:41

  本文选题:合作式教学 切入点:初中音乐 出处:《河南师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"Cooperative teaching has been adopted by many countries in the world because of its remarkable effectiveness in improving the social and psychological atmosphere in the classroom, improving students' academic performance in a large area, and promoting the formation of good non-cognitive psychological qualities among students.It has also been hailed as the most important and successful teaching reform in the past decade. In teaching practice, the combination of cooperative teaching and music in junior high schools is advocated by the reform of basic education.It is also an important teaching means of modern teaching reform.However, in the actual teaching process, teachers and students lack the relevant theoretical knowledge and practical skills of cooperative teaching, which leads to the formalization of "cooperation" in the classroom, the lack of attention to the music subject by school leaders and the society.As a result, the music subject in junior middle school can only be reduced to the "secondary subject" in the school subject, which is still the resistance of cooperative teaching.This subject takes the application of music cooperative teaching in junior middle school as the object, and proves the necessity of applying cooperative teaching in music teaching in junior high school by combining the characteristics of the law of physical and mental development of junior high school students and the music subject of junior high school.Through the related literature search, investigation and interview and other ways, deeply understand the current situation of music cooperative teaching in junior high school and analyze its reasons.Based on the design and analysis of the successful cases of music cooperative teaching in junior high school, the following suggestions are put forward: first, to improve the status of the music subject, to change the misunderstanding of the music subject; secondly, to put forward the following suggestions: first, to improve the status of the music subject, and then to change the misunderstanding of the music subject.To change teachers' educational concept and improve students' cooperative consciousness, and to cultivate teachers' and students' cooperative skills.Finally, in organizing students' cooperative learning, attention should be paid to arousing students' interest, teaching design is reasonable, and the final summary and evaluation should be made.


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