本文选题:数学教学基本功 + 表达 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Teachers' basic teaching skills are the basic knowledge and skills displayed by teachers in mathematics teaching activities, and can reflect the teachers' basic qualities. The basic skills of middle school teachers are the key to improve the teaching quality, strengthen the schools and promote the education level, and are also the basic vocational skills needed by the teachers. The quality of teachers' basic teaching skills plays a direct role in the quality of a class, which determines the success or failure of teaching. The good basic function makes the classroom have the artistic nature, manifests the teacher's quality level. The new curriculum reform requires teachers to become leaders, organizers and collaborators of student learning. In the new curriculum reform situation, the connotation of basic skills has a deeper requirement. Under the background of the new curriculum reform, teachers should understand and inherit the traditional "three words" with a new attitude and angle, and also require teachers to skillfully use modern teaching methods, classroom teaching questions, examples teaching and other professional basic skills. And can find more practical skills according to the actual situation. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first part is the introduction, which mainly expounds the background of this research, through the research summary of the domestic and foreign literature, obtains the research difference, determines the research content and the train of thought. The second chapter defines the core concepts of the research-basic skills and teachers' basic skills, and establishes the theoretical basis of this research. The third chapter according to the mathematics discipline characteristic and own teaching experience, draws lessons from the existing research results, through the classroom observation and the experience summary, combs and sublimates in the theory ponder foundation, has constructed the mathematics teacher teaching basic skill connotation. The fourth and fifth chapters are the results of this study. This paper designed the scale of teacher's classroom behavior observation, studied the teaching behavior of mathematics teachers in Baoshan basic skill contest, and made classroom observation on different kinds of courses of teachers of all ages. The observation results are analyzed. According to the theoretical analysis, it verifies the special basic skills of mathematics teachers, that is, they are good at expression, good at examples and good at asking questions.
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