本文选题:学困生 + 英语学习 ; 参考:《赣南师范学院》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As an international language, English is becoming more and more dominant, and more and more people use it as the main tool of communication. At the same time, as a major subject of high school, it is highly concerned by parents and teachers. However, although great progress has been made in English teaching in China, there are still some problems in English teaching in senior high school. For example, the number of students with English learning difficulties in senior high school has increased compared with that in junior high school. Most English teachers pay more attention to the improvement of cognitive ability and often ignore the emotional factors of the students. At the same time, under the pressure of the college entrance examination, most of the teachers spend most of their energy on the students who study better. And ignored the situation of students with learning difficulties and so on. The existence of a large number of students with learning difficulties not only affects the development of students with learning difficulties, but also does not help to achieve the goal of all-round development of students. Therefore, it is imperative to study and transform students with English learning difficulties. Based on the theory of humanism and the hypothesis of affective filtering, this paper compares the affective characteristics of the students with English learning difficulties in senior high school with those of the excellent students of English by questionnaire, in order to understand the affective characteristics of the students with learning difficulties. This paper analyzes the main affective factors that affect the English learning achievement of the students with learning difficulties, and attempts to put forward the corresponding educational strategies for the English teachers in senior high school to transform the students with learning difficulties in the process of teaching. Four of 117 students were interviewed. As for the data collected from the questionnaire survey, this study uses the social science statistical software SPSS(13.0 version to deal with the data. The results show that there are obvious negative affective characteristics in the process of English learning in senior high school students with English learning difficulties. For example: lack of interest in English learning, lack of internal motivation for learning English, lack of confidence in learning English. Therefore, the present study finds that there are differences between the affective characteristics of students with English learning difficulties and those of students with learning disabilities, and negative affective factors are the main factors that affect the learning of students with learning disabilities. According to the results of the study, we can get the following enlightenment: 1) in the course of teaching, teachers should try their best to stimulate students' interest in learning. (2) help students build self-confidence. Help students to establish a good relationship between teachers and students.
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