[Abstract]:Since 2004, a new round of curriculum reform (short for "new curriculum reform") has been implemented in senior high school in our country. The history textbook of senior high school has developed into "one standard and more books" in form (that is, one standard of history curriculum, many versions of textbooks). Now including the version, Yuelu version, people version, Beijing normal University version), Shandong Province mainly selected Yuelu version of senior high school history textbooks. High school history textbook is an effective carrier for students to acquire knowledge of history and a tool to train students to master the basic skills of history. It is also an important basis for teachers to teach. At the same time, it is also an important position to embody national will and mainstream ideology. The Yuelu version of the senior high school history textbook currently used is the third edition, which has the following advantages: it meets the requirements of the national curriculum standards and is closely related to the three-dimensional goal of senior high school history teaching; the content is from simple to deep, vivid and vivid, and has strong readability. In line with the cognitive characteristics of high school students, actively absorb the latest academic views, the use of historical data is more objective and comprehensive. According to the history curriculum standard of ordinary high school formulated by the Ministry of Education, combining with the teaching practice of history education in senior high school and referring to the research of other scholars, the author makes a preliminary analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of Yuelu version of high school history textbook. And put forward their own crude suggestions. May be different wisdom, I hope to cause colleagues resonance, more hope for experts to guide. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part is a brief introduction of Yuelu version senior high school history textbook, the second part is the advantages of Yuelu edition senior high school history textbook, the third part is the shortcomings and shortcomings of Yuelu version senior high school history textbook. The fourth part of Yuelu version of senior high school history textbook improvement suggestions.
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