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发布时间:2018-07-27 10:04
[Abstract]:A new round of curriculum reform should come into being and inject fresh humanism into Chinese curriculum. Novels are of great significance to the formation and development of high school students' Chinese literacy. However, under the background of examination-oriented education, the teaching of novels in senior high school presents a single and stylized situation. The special topic teaching of novel advocates the reform of the teaching and learning methods, determines the appropriate topic according to the students' knowledge and ability, and combines the learning mode of "autonomy, cooperation and inquiry" advocated in the new curriculum standard to carry on the inquiry study. The special topic teaching of novel is focused on the special topic, which combines the centrality of teaching content, the inquiry of teaching process, the diversification of teaching methods, and the level of teaching goal. It not only improves the ability of high school students to collect and deal with information in the process of learning novels, but also raises the learning habits and learning ability of high school students. On the basis of studying the present situation of high school novel teaching, this paper studies the theoretical basis of the special topic teaching design of high school novels: it discusses from two angles: the personal education edition Chinese teaching material and the high school students' psychological condition; Then it analyzes the concrete implementation process of the special topic teaching design of high school novels. The teaching case selected is the representative periodical of Wu Xinxin, Ph.D. of Chinese teaching in Beijing Institute of Education. Effective guidance-the Design and implementation of Special topic Teaching in Jingwei Fiction. The characteristics of Special topic Teaching of novels are summarized by analyzing this case. Finally, the fourth chapter is based on the discussion of the first three chapters of the senior high school novel thematic teaching design thinking and suggestions: as a student, teacher-led new teaching model, There are obvious advantages in the application of the special teaching design of high school novels in the classroom teaching of high school novels, but there are still some problems to be further explored and improved in order to make the research on the special teaching design of high school novels obtain the motive force of development. On the whole, this paper has certain reference value for the special topic teaching of high school novels, which can make more Chinese teachers have a comprehensive understanding and thinking about the special topic teaching of novels, and provide reference value for the development of the special topic teaching of high school novels. To a certain extent, improve the current situation of high school novel teaching and improve the efficiency of novel teaching.


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