[Abstract]:The new curriculum reform has been carried out all over the country for many years, but at the beginning of the new curriculum, the difficulty of linking up with physics in senior high school has been a problem puzzling us all the time. In my four years' teaching practice, I found that there is a big step in physics teaching cohesion in senior high school because of various reasons. This paper analyzes the causes of the difficulty of students' physical cohesion in middle and high schools, and puts forward the corresponding teaching strategies to reduce the difficulties in the physical cohesion of middle and high school through specific teaching cases. This paper is divided into six parts. In the first part, the background and present situation of the research are put forward, and the necessity and method of studying the physical cohesion in middle and high schools are discussed. The second part puts forward the theoretical basis of this research, respectively from the constructivism theory, cognitive theory, the development of the region of several aspects. The third part analyzes the factors that affect the physical cohesion of middle and high school. The fourth part puts forward specific teaching strategies to reduce the difficulty of linking up physics teaching in middle and high schools. The fifth part is the application practice of teaching strategy in physics teaching of junior high school. The sixth part summarizes and reflects on the research, points out the existing problems in the research and the direction of future efforts.
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